Chapter Thirty

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I felt pain in every ounce of my body. The only thing that stopped me from getting extremely angry was the fact that Annabeth was also feeling the pain. The demigods had left me alone to, as Leo stated, "think about what I had done". I was thinking. Thinking on different ways to brutally vanquish them from existence! 

I hoped that whatever the hell Rita was doing, she made it quick! 


I don't really know who I should murder first. Percy or Nathan. I knew from the instant I felt a "Thalia-like" lightning bolt shock through me, something was defintley up. And then, after about hours and hours of brutality and pain coming from no where, I was coming from somewhere. Nathan. When I get my hands on that boy he is going to wish he was never born! 

Oh and let's not mention Percy who suddenly vanishes when I suddenly need him. I wanted to scream, kick, cry, punch something. I was so, so, so, angry. But despite the sudden pain coming from nowhere traveling into my body, that wasn't the weirdest thing that happened. When I woke up, I saw Kimberly leaning over me worriedly. I didn't react very well.  2

Imagine if you wake up and you see someone leaning over you. My first instinct after many years of battle? Pain. 

Without me even noticing, I attempted to punch her in the nose but she caught my fist too quick. Now remember, I was still a little blurry and I wasn't realizing what was going on. Using my knee,  I kneed her in her place where light doesn't shine. She groaned and fell backwards in pain. Yea, it may not seem like it but it also hurts like tarturas when women get punched or kicked there. Maybe not as bad as it hurts for guys but it still hurts like tarturas. 

What the hell, Annabeth!" she half screamed and half groaned. 

I instantly recognized her voice and shot up to my feet. Bad idea. I felt extremely woozy and ended up falling back down. My head hit the dresser and I was knocked out. Why do I have to get knocked out so much?  1


Billy would not stop asking me questions. I basically revealed almost everything about my life because this dude wanted to know EVERYTHING! 

"So, demigods can't communicate with their parents because Zeus banned it?" Billy asked. 

"Gods AND goddesses can't communicate with their children because Zeus, being the butthead he is, banned it." 

I expected to hear thunder but their wasn't any. I sighed in relief. Their were pros to not living in the Greek and Roman world. 

"But your father secretly communicates with you through your brain?" he asked. 

I nodded. "Poseidon is like the only good god in that place. Besides Hestia, but she's a goddess. I would say Artemis but she hates men. Hera's just a plain bleep. (A/N: You all can fill in the bleep with anything you want.) Zeus is the worst. Hades is just evil but his son, Nico, is cool and his daughter, Bianca, was amazing. The Roman version of Ares was Pluto and his daughter was Hazel and she was also amazing. She's really sweet but don't get on her bad side."  6

Billy chuckled and I continued. "Oh Ares hates my guts because I defeated him-" Billy cut me off. 

"You defeated a god!?" he asked in shock. 

"I had help," I shrugged, "anyways, Ares also sucks. Poseidon has his moments of awesomeness. Athena just plain hates me because 1. She hates Poseidon more then I love blue food and 2. I was, once upon a time, dating her daughter so she frequently gave me murderous glances." 

"Annabeth is the child of Athena?" Billy asked. Then he paused and smiled, "that makes since actually. She acts like a know-it-all."  1

"Yea," I said, "hmmm, who else. Oh, Aphrodite. Yea, I think Aphrodite likes me but I really don't like her. She interferes in my love life way more then she should. But her daughter is nice. Sometimes. She's like my little sister, meaning she's annoying as hell but I love her to bits. Her boyfriend, Jason-" Billy cut me off again. 

{BOOK ONE} Percy Jackson and Power Rangers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now