Chapter Twenty-Seven

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A/N: Another story for my readers

Percy: I think that your the most evil person out of this whole story

Me: I think...well...yea your probably right.

Reyna: 😂



Yesterday, after we left the mall, we went to a store and bought food. I mainly got junk food. Annabeth agreed to that as long as we got vegetables. Then we went and got food at Wendy's and she stated I was eating like a pig. Then she said she has no idea how I still have a six pack. And we basically just insulted each other back and forth.

Now, we were putting on our clothes to go to school. Annabeth demanded to go with me. I really didn't want her to come along, seeing as Kimberly already hates me because of her. But I didn't really have a choice. If Annabeth wants to do something, she will do it. Trust me on that one. She already talked to the office and stuff. I was supposed to show her around. Now I was sitting outside of the principal office as people walked by me wondering, "what the hell did Jackson do know?"

I don't know how long it took for Annabeth to get her schedule. I just know when she finished, I had fallen asleep. She shook me awake, which took very long. She ended up slapping me though. "Um, what the fu-" I started but she cut me off, handing me her schedule.

"What took so long," I asked, standing up.

"She talks a lot," Annabeth said. I scoffed.

"Oh and you don't?" I asked.

She playfully punched me in the arm. "Oh shut up," she said, "I just complimented the architectural design of the building and how the-" I cut her off now.

"Actually," I said, "I don't care why it took so long." She sighed, rubbing her head.

"Your such a seaweed brain," she said to me as we walked down the hallway.

"Your such a wise girl," I replied.

A feeling erupted in my chest. I hadn't heard her use that nickname in a long time. It felt good. It brought back good memories. I felt a little giddy as we walked to her locker. I didn't need to show her how to unlock it. She figured it out on her own. Then I just showed her the other basic places like the cafeteria, her classrooms, the gym, the library (which took forever for her to leave), the band room, and many other places. By the time we had finished, it was already lunch time. I was happy to have been able to skip some of my classes. But the thought of the make up work I was going to have to complete was terrifying.

We arrived at the cafeteria and went into the line. I could feel everyone stares on me and Annabeth. After all, everyone knew she was coming. They just didn't know she was extremely beautiful. I don't know if it was jealousy or protective but I ended up pulling her away from any jocks, bad boys, or even boys in general.

"I can protect myself," Annabeth remarked when we sat down.

"I know that," I replied, "but I have a feeling you would end up causing permanent damage while the damage I cause could possibly heal over a few years."

I got her to smile. It was beautiful. I thought I heard angels singing or something. I was snapped out my daze when Zack sat beside Annabeth. "Well hello there," Zack said, shaking her hand and then kissing the top, "I'm Zack Taylor but please, call me Zack." I glared at him. This one with the flirting, I thought.

"Nice to meet you," Annabeth said politely, removing her hand from Zack's, which I have to admit I smiled at.

"What's a pretty lady like you doing with a goof like Percy," Zack asked.

{BOOK ONE} Percy Jackson and Power Rangers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now