Chapter Thirty-five

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We were in Jason's pickup truck that wasn't actually Jason's but was his fathers. Annabeth was practically a map. Even though she couldn't see anything, she could still say where to go. Billy informed me her eyes were closed and she was relaxing in the backseat. I didn't really understand how she knew where Trini was. It was the least of my problems. But we were going to talk about that soon. 

Jason stopped the truck immediatley. I was lucky to have worn a seatbelt, unlike Zack who said he was brave and didn't need some stupid seatbelt to protect him. When I heard something like someone's head hitting the car, I figured Zack understood why seatbelts were important. 

"Owwww," he whined slowly. 

I smirked to myself as I got out the car. It took a while to convince Jason to let me come. I mean, even if they did leave without me, I would just find some way to sneak there. My hearing has improved and so has the training lessons with Alpha 5. I mean, yea, I could never actually beat him but it took a while for him to actually get me on the ground. That's what I call improvement. 

Billy had made me this walking stick that blind people usually have. Annabeth modified it to where a pointy sword comes out the end if I push down on it. There was one catch to going with them. I couldn't fight. I had to stay back and let them do all the work, which I didn't like. I wanted to help. Tarturas, I could probably help, too! It was painful enough feeling like I was useless. I wanted to make up for it. 

"Now where to?" Billy asked Annabeth. 

"Follow me," she replied. 

We did as we were told. Zack guided me most of the way. I was grateful for his help, even though I felt way worse. I felt like it was my fault Trini was kidnapped. The only reason Rita did that was to hurt me worse. Which she succeeded in. But she was going to pay now. No one, and I mean no one, hurts my friends and family. And the power rangers were my friends too. 

The stick they gave me helped me detect what rocks not to trip over, which was harder than I thought it would be. It took me a while to get used to it as we walked. We couldn't necessarily have a test run beforehand. 

I could hear everyone stop walking so I did the same. It was silence. The wind from outside rustled my hair. The tension was thick in the air. Why had Annabeth stopped walking? I wished I could see why but I couldn't. 

"We are here," she said finally. 

"Not to be a major buzzkill," Zack replied, "but um...this is no where. We are just at a wall." 

A wall? I walked closer to the wall. It was smooth, like glass. 

"Where the hell are we, Annabeth?" Kimberly asked. 

Oh not again, I thought because this was not the time to fight each other. 

"This is the place," Annabeth replied. But she sounded unsure. I've known Annabeth for a while and I can tell when she isn't sure of herself. I mean, it's very rare but it happens. 

"Maybe there is some type!" Billy said, "yea, a key. But....we don't have a key." 

"Or," Kimberly replied, "Annabeth led us here on purpose." 

Oh gods, I replied, she thinks that Annabeth...this is not good. I could already feel the hateful words that were about to spew out of Annabeth mouth. 

"Listen, Malibu Barbie!" Annabeth snapped, "I don't know what your problem is with me but I didn't lead us out here on purpose. This is obviously the place. Like Billy said, we just need a key to open it." 

{BOOK ONE} Percy Jackson and Power Rangers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now