Chapter Fourteen

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I'm used to waking up in infirmaries. I mean, ask Will. I'm like his daily patient. But, usually, when I'm in the infirmary, it's because I was impaled by Clarrise or Annabeth judo-flipped me into a concussion or the stolls said, "wanna play a game". I'm not usually in an infirmary because I fainted on my field trip. That's not normal for me. I mean, I'm not normal. But that extra un-normal. 2

The room around me was all white. I was on a comfy bed and there was a tray table beside me on a desk. Another abnormal thing about this room was someone was standing over me. And I don't usually wake up to this.

"GAH!" I yelled, scooting away from the unannounced intruder.

"Sorry," Zack said queasily, "I thought you were dead."

"Where am I?" I asked.

"The hospital," he replied, "you fainted."

Nooo, I sarcastically thought.

Zack wasn't the only one there. Billy and Jason were sitting in chairs, looking at me intently as if I just commited a crime. I am a wanted terrorist though. I mean, it's not my fault that chaos follows me everywhere I go. And I'm not actually even a terroist. I did burn down a school though. Wow, no wonder they think I am.

I was about to speak again when the doctors came in. It was a semi-old guy with brown hair and a chiseled chin. He looked like one of those famous actors. Like Mark Whalberg or something. But with brown hair and green eyes and big ears. And no beard but a thick brown mustache. He was carrying a white clipboard and he wore a fake smile. I know when someone is fake smiling. Trust me on this one.

"Perseus Jackson?" he asked.

I nodded, wondering how he knew my full name. The doctor grinned and moved around to my bedside to stare down at me. "You look healthy," he said, "we presume you just hit your head on something."

His breath smelled horrible. Like rotten eggs. It took all of my control not to barf. "Unfortunately, the police want to question you about Cole and what happened on the field trip. It's up to you if you want to answer them or not."

I shook my head. Mainly because his breath made me want to jump out the hospital window, even though I was sure we were about 6 floors up, considering I could see the very top of a building in the distance.

The doctor grinned. He walked back over to the door. "Well, you are free to go but your family has to come get you."

My stomach plummeted. Family? I didn't have a family here. I frowned as he shut the door loudly. I wasn't going to get through this alive. Nope. They were going to figure out I'm not from this universe. Or put me in an orphanage. I was a goner. I had to get away. Forget the whole power rangers thing. I had to leave.

I jumped out of the bed immediately. I was still in my field trip clothes. "What's wrong?" Billy asked, looking at me with a frantic face.

Can I trust them? Would they try to harm me? No. Of course not. They are my friends. The only friends I have left, actually.

"I don't...I um-" I faltered. How do I explain this?

"What, Percy?" Jason asked, suddenly concerned.

"I...I don't have a family," I blurted out, "and if they figure that out, then I will be sent away and put in an orphanage!"

They all widened their eyes. That's when Jason glared at me. As if he was angry with me but he was trying to figure out if he should be angry. I looked at him with a confused expression. What did I do? Zack seemed to notice the tension and said, "okay, Percy. That's really weird, you know."

{BOOK ONE} Percy Jackson and Power Rangers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now