Chapter Nine

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After a few other classes, I could finally get some lunch. My stomach rumbled happily at the idea.  I walked into the hallway, weaving past people to the cafeteria. My mind was set on food. And once I got food, maybe something else. But right now? Food.  1

I walked into the cafeteria and saw tables lined up against the walls. Walking over to the lunch line, I spotted Cole who was coming up behind me. He didn't do anything when he got into the line. But I knew he planned on doing something and I was prepared. Or so I thought. 

In front of me was Kimberly. And beauty can me insanely distracting. It's either she saw me watching and she didn't care or she didn't see me watching her, but either way she ignored me. I shouldn't be trying to find love right now. But she was amazing. At least, in my eyes she was. She really did knock a guys tooth out. All the people in my class kept talking about her. It made me angry. Really angry. 

Just reliving that moment made me mad. I steadied my breathing and grabbed a tray from the stack. I set it down on the metal slidy thing and turned to Cole who immediately looked away, pretending to study the clock on the wall. Scoffing, I turned back towards the lunch ladies. They were serving spaghetti, meatballs, or pizza. I chose all three.  4

When I got my food in my tray, I went to the place where we pay. I dug into my pockets and pulled out a couple of bucks. Tommy exchanged my drachma for money. I understand why now but I was pretty angry before. I got those drachma by doing a series of challenging tests for the stolls. 500 drachma got my 100 dollars. It sucks.  5

 The lunch lady looked at me and smiled. I held in my laughter. It wasn't an old lady. It was one of the students. One of the girls from before who had giggled at me from the principal office. I wondered what she had did to get in here.

Kimberly rolled her eyes and gave her money to the "lunch lady" who just glared at her. She walked off towards a couple of baskets that had condiments in them. I handed my money to the lady without looking at her. She kind of frowned but said, "thank you." Now I'm not a jerk so i obviously said, "your welcome" back. And she giggled because of that. I didn't even say anything funny! I don't understand girls like her. 

I turned to the condiments section and saw Kimberly grabbing a plastic spoon. I was so enraptured (yea, I'm not a complete idiot. I know big words) in her beauty that I didn't see Cole coming up behind me. He pushed me forward, causing my tray to kind of go upwards and all the food on it flew onto Kimberly. 

I looked down at the tray in my hand and up at Kimberly. The whole cafeteria laughed. I widened my eyes at her expression. I expected her to be angry. Or even mad. But she just looked sad and embarrased. Her eyes looked watery and spaghetti was dripping from her hair. I felt guilty. And then angry. Really angry. I don't know where it came from. 

I turned back to Cole who was cracking up. He smiled at me and whispered in my ear, "looks like your little crush hates you." 

I turned back to Kimberly who had fled out of the back doors of the cafeteria. More anger coursed through my system. A wave of anger. I clenched my fists around the tray. I don't remember what happened next. I think I may have blacked out. 

All I do remember is feeling lightheaded. And then when i came back to reality, everyone was staring at me with shocked expressions on their faces. Cole was down on the ground, clutching his bloody nose. I looked down at the tray table still in my hand and up at the people. The tray table clattered to the floor loudly in the quiet cafeteria. 

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I wished I could hurt him more

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I wished I could hurt him more. Every part of my body ached to killl him. And that feeling scared me. So instead, I ran. I ran far away. Out the cafeteria doors, down the school steps. Even past a crying Kimberly. I don't really remember where i went. I only knew I was in the woods. I collapsed against a tree and slid to the ground. Something was wrong with this world and I was going to find out what it was. 

{BOOK ONE} Percy Jackson and Power Rangers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now