Chapter Eight

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When I first arrived to class, a lot of girls snickered at me. Some guys just glared. And then there were the normal kids that minded their own business and was actually doing the work on the board. I ignored all the stares, which was extremely difficult to do, and sat down behind Kimberly. 

Class began to start and I looked toward the board. The teacher was writing something down that looked like the letters barfed on the other letters. 

"Okay class," the teacher said, clapping his hands together, "today we will be taking a field trip to a...drumroll please-" 

No one drumrolled. I decided to help the guy out. I grabbed my pencils and began doing a drumroll. The teacher nodded at me and I stopped.  +

"Thank you Mr. Jackson," he said, while other just smirked or giggled at me. Guys smirked, girls giggled. Kimberly mouth didn't even twitch. Harder then I thought to make her laugh. 

"We will be taking a field trip to....A GOLD MINE!" he yelled happily. 

Crickets. I couldn't even help him with this one. Who takes a field trip to a freaking gold mine? But, at the sound of that, Kimberly stiffened a little. Weird, right?  1

"WHY!?" a kid in the back yelled. 3

He was the red headed bully who tried to pick a fight with me in detention. He had on a black and white skull shirt, some black pants, and was wearing knuckle braces. The teacher glared at the red headed goof. 

"Because Cole," the teacher said snarkily, "it will be fun. You will talk with the workers there and maybe dig up and discover something new. Now STOP BEING SUCH A DEBBY DOWNER AND DEAL WITH IT!"  1

The teacher face was red with anger now. Even Cole seemed to slide down a little into his seat. The teacher closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He then opened his eyes again and grinned. "Now, class, to prepare for our trip, I will assign partners." 

"Emily to Josh."

"Mathew to Satana."  23

"Cory to Oscar." 

A couple of more names later. 

"Kimberly to Jonas." 

Jonas winked at her and I felt angry. She only rolled her eyes at him and faced the board. He widened his eyes in shock and then turned around. Guess he doesn't get rejected a lot. 

"Percy to Cole."  3

My heart stopped. He didn't. He did not! No! This cannot be happening! I slowly turned around to face Cole who was evilly grinnng at me. He gave me a slight wave and mouthed, "your dead". I quickly snapped my attention towards the fun. 

"Martha to Beth." 

And then finally: 

"George to Damien." 

After that, he handed us out an information packet. I looked it over. Well skimmed it. It took a while but I began to make out a few words. "TRIP TO GOD MINES" was at the time. I squeezed my eyes shut and then reopened them. The god part changed to gold. Putting my paper away into my binder, I turned around to face Cole. He was looking at the ceiling. When he noticed me staring, he flicked me off and then continued to look at the ceiling.

Sighing and wishing I was in any other class than this one, I turned back around to face the front. This was going to  be a terrible field trip

{BOOK ONE} Percy Jackson and Power Rangers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now