Chapter Ten

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It's been 2 weeks since the cafeteria fiasco when I broke Cole Wallace nose. It got me suspended for 3 days and detention for a month vs just not going on the dumb field trip. But for some reason Tommy INSISTED that I go. School sucks for me. Kimberly hates my guts. Because of that, Jason and his gang don't talk to me. Cole and his gang like to bully me more. But in private. And I still haven't found the power Rangers yet. Tommy is mad about that. Im trying my hardest to please the guy. It's really hard.

"Don't forget water," Tommy scolded as I started packing for the field trip to the gold mine.

"I have water Tommy," I replied, "I'm not an idiot."

Tommy was silent for about ten seconds. Then he burst out laughing. "Percy, you haven't even put on jeans yet!" he laughed.

I scoffed. "Yea, because I'm going with my underwear on," I said, rolling my eyes.

"That would be a petrifying sight," Tommy shuddered.

"Oh shut it," I said, throwing the amulet onto the couch.

"YOU KNOW IM RIGHT!" Tommy yelled as I walked into my room. I grabbed some black pants and some blue shoes. Then I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself. My hair had grown longer. I looked at the scissors on the counter. Then up at my hair. Then I began chopping away. When I finished, I would say I looked remarkably good.

 When I finished, I would say I looked remarkably good

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I grabbed a toothbrush and started brushing my teeth. When I finished, I walked into the living room, scooped up the amulet and my backpack, and then walked out the door. A cool breeze went through me. It felt good outside. Not too hot and not too cold.

I walked to school, taking my time. School isn't my favorite place to be at the moment, if you could not tell. Right when I entered school grounds, a couple of people stared at me and began whispering. If only they were standing by a water fountain, huh?

I ignored their looks and walked to my first period class which I sadly had with an angry Kimberly who hates my guts and an evil Cole who would kill me if he had the chance. The teacher also hates me. Something about "dyslexia and ADHD is no excuse to be a complete idiotic moron in this class". And then his coffee magically exploded and he had to go get a new tie. He thinks I did it, which I did, and so now he watches me carefully all the time. But to be fair, I didn't make the coffee scolding hot. I actually dimmed the temperature to where it was warm. He should be thanking me!

Ignoring the snickers and glares I got from everyone, I sat down in the back of the classroom. Kimberly has a new seating partner, so I don't sit by her. I can't really blame her though. I have to sit by Cole though. And I think I make school fun for Cole. Just the excitement to piss me off really excites the guy.

"Hey Prissy," Cole said, leaning forward.

He was like some male version of Clarrise. Except Clarrise had better insults then this ape did. Also, Clarrise knew where it hurt. I kind of respected that. Cole insults are about as good as a kindergartner insults.

{BOOK ONE} Percy Jackson and Power Rangers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now