Chapter Seventeen

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If I had said I was shocked when I got back "home", then that would be an understatement of the year. My "parents" were on the couch and looked nothing like the evil villains they were. I almost didn't recognize them. Rita, for one, had blonde hair now and she was wearing a tight black and brown dress. She had on black heels and a little makeup. She had her fingernails painted black instead of golden. That girl loves gold.

Tommy had on a suit and some brown church shoes. His hair was slicked back all cool like and he wore a Cheshire grin. His green eyes were now brighter then mine.

Okay, so look at this.

Rita Repulsa: Before

Rita Repulsa: Before

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See the major difference? She dressed different, she looked different, but she still had that nasty attitude that made me want to punch her in the face

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See the major difference? She dressed different, she looked different, but she still had that nasty attitude that made me want to punch her in the face. I have never wanted to hit a girl so badly before. Except for Gaea. And Nancy Bobofit. Don't even get me started on that little twerp. Basically, she was my childhood bully though. 1

"Your finally home," Rita said in a disgusted voice, "what took you so long?"

I made up a quick lie. "Well, I actually tried to find the power rangers," I said, "they are famous around school and I saw one kid say he was the red ranger. Turns out it was just for attention."

It's half true. They are famous around school but I never confronted the kid about it. I didn't do much actually. Rita smiled. "I'm glad you've finally agreed to commit," she said. Then she brought back her steely glare, "you better not betray us, Percy."

"I wouldn't dream of it," I said sarcastically, shutting the door and heading to my room.

"And where are you going?" Tommy asked, crossing his arms.

"To Canada," I said sarcastically, "where do you think I'm going? I'd rather be bored in my room then hang out with you psychos." 1

"You have an open house to-" his voice was tuned out by the slam of my door. I collapsed onto my bed, feeling like the weight of the world was on my shoulders. Which it kind of was.

{BOOK ONE} Percy Jackson and Power Rangers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now