Chapter Twenty-Two

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I wanted a peaceful morning without any work, since it was my only day off from training with Reyna who has to be more brutual then Clarrise. I laid in my bed, looking at my ceiling. My muscles were sore as Tarturas and I was incredibly sleepy. Right when I was about to drift off to sleep, someone knocked on the cabin door. 



Three times. 

I groaned and I got out of bed, leaving my room and going towards the noise. I opened the door and saw Nathan smiling at me. "Good morning beau-" he didn't get to finish because I slammed the door on him, locking it. He knocked again.

And again

And again

And again, and again, and again until I finally opened the door and growled. "What the hell do you want?" I asked. 

"I don't want anything but to help you," Nathan replied, "actually I want to help all of you and redeem myself. I'm not a bad guy, Annabeth. Sincerely." 

He looked sincere. But looks can be deceiving. "I don't need your help," I replied, "and so help me if you knock on this door again I was slice your wrists!" 

He chuckled. "Oh Annabeth," Nathan said, "I think you'll want to here this one." I waited for him to continue. He smiled at that.

"Sweet precious, Annie," Nathan said but I cut him off. 

"Call me Annie again and I will punch you in the nose," I warned. 

He chuckled but I knew he knew I wasn't joking. "Well then Annabeth," he said, "I can get you and your friends to Percy because I know where he is." 

The smile on my face melted and I grabbed him by his throat pulling him into the cabin. I slammed him up against the wall, my elbow to his neck, digging the sharp part in. "What?" I asked. The smirk he usually held was gone and he looked scared. 

"I know where he is," Nathan said, "and I can take you to him." 


After school, I was a little distracted. I was thinking of ways to ask Kimberly to the dance in a big special romantic way. I needed to know what Kimberly liked and what other way then to ask her best friend. Trini. Trini is the only one that knows I had a crush on Kimberly which she thankfully kept a secret. 

We were afterschool at her house, sitting at the dining room table. Her parents seemed happy that she brought home a boy and not a girl. Her brothers were at their grandmas house and the parents were off on a date. We were alone. 

She does NOT like bugs," I glared at Trini. 

Trini smirked. "She also likes snakes, bears, and-" I cut her off. 

"Oh ha ha," I said sarcastically, "come on Trini, I'm trying to be serious here, I really like her!" Trini smiled and sat down in the chair across from me. 

"Okay," she said with a shrug, "what do you want to know?" 

              ------------------------------------- AWESOME TIME SKIP ----------------------------------------

When me and Trini finished, we started playing video games. I expected Trini to be good but she wasn't good. She was a pro. I couldn't beat one game. It was frustrating yet impressive. But mainly frustrating. "Oh come on," I said, as she killed me for the 12th time, "that's not even possible. You rigged the controllers." 

Trini rolled her eyes and stayed focused on killing me and my team. That's when my phone rang. I saw it was Kimberly and grinned, answering it. 

"Hello?" I asked. 

{BOOK ONE} Percy Jackson and Power Rangers CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now