28 Days from Christmas- Necessary

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On this living planet people incarnate and pass away, only the fading memories of a few go with the time those created a passage for.

Watching sky alone always felt empowering and liberating to Jungkook. Every time he felt dejected and deserted, he would give a pat on his own back by looking up, knowing that his mother is looking at him and is being his rock. 

He talked to her about Jimin last night. "You would be so happy to meet him, Mom! He is so elegant and beautiful. After you, I love his cooking. Actually, what if I say a little more than you?" He teasingly furrowed his brows and chuckled. 

Anticipating what his mother would say if she was alive, he continued. "Okay, you both are on same level. Happy now?" His curve on the lips turned into parallel horizontal lines as the smile faded, eyes started to fill up to brim with a salty liquid.

"You are gone five decades too soon. I feel your absence in this little box framed by white walls. Can you come back just for once? Can I at least say my last good bye to you?" He starts to cry as his chest feels pressed against an invisible block.

A thought of Jimin soothes him. He composed himself and got ready, again in all black and leaves even earlier than yesterday. 

Today he reached an almost empty ground, waiting. 

When Jimin arrived, the routine continued, Jungkook came and offered his assistance. Though they would not talk much aside from work things. Jungkook was jovial in what he was granted.

He thought for hours that he needs to throw a bone but he also does not want to deteriorate what they had going on. He wanted to tell Jimin how beautiful he is, to share about his sleepless nights because of him, to say how he has been feeling about him all this while but he thought it is better to wait it out. After all, it is the only third day since they met.

Jungkook decided to pop the question soon though. He was determined to come here every day and help Jimin until he could act otherwise. To him, there was no better pairing than November mornings and Jimin.


"Gguk, wake up. You are going to be late for your competition."

"Five more minutes, Mom!" I screamed from under my pillow which I put on my head to block the voices.

I heard the door click open and a soft hit of pillow felt on my back. Mom was in room now. Out of all her habits this had to be the most annoying.

It did not hurt when she hit me with throw pillows but I hated it, extremely.

"Okay!" I groaned as I sat up.

Jumping out of bed and kissing her cheek in the process, I ran past her and in the bathroom. According to my mom, out of all my bad habits this was the most annoying.

"How many times do I have to tell you to not kiss me without brushing your teeth?" I heard her shout and then a thud of door indicating she was gone.

Every day when I descend to the dining area my breakfast would be ready. Maids were in reserve at home but mom always made sure to add her love to the food.

I had a dance competition today at college. Being the lead dancer, I needed to go early so that I can look after the arrangements like illumination, stage, costumes, and most importantly my boyfriend who I knew would be panicking now as I am already late. He is the breaker of the group while I am the center face.

It takes me back to the time when it all started. Me and him, we clicked instantly. He was the one who helped me come out of my shell. He was always joking around and made me comfortable in a class full of strangers.

Not soon after he proposed to me and I said yes. We were happy in our own little world. Some were jealous of us but we did not care.

We had common likings which made us really compatible. We both loved shopping, bike riding, eating out, going to art galleries. He was not good at sports but he tried for me. Well, to think of it, I was not bad at anything. But I did things which he liked and I did not.

Our sex life was good, no, it was great. But slowly the spark died. Both of us felt same but no one worded it out, considering each other's feelings in account.

He would always get drunk before sex to make it kinkier for him. Alcohol made him horny. I started to dislike him drinking for sex and gradually the dislike turned into hate.

We had fights about it. He argued saying I was being selfish. If his pleasure intensifies by getting drunk then it should not affect me. But it did.

We became just two-so-called-compatible- people who still did things together but there was no romance left.

My best friend would ask me to break up, because, according to him we never were in love. I was just too nice to deny the one who always had my back.

I always advocated that we did do couple-y things but my best friend would always logically subside my argument saying that all those things can be done with friends except having sex. And people can have sex with people for sake of having it. Not necessarily because they have feelings or in love.

I stepped out slinging a satchel while crunching an apple with my teeth when I encountered dad at the gate, walking inside. I did not want my spirits to be crushed, so I positively ignored him that day.

My mother was a saint keeping a relationship going with that cheating and lying bastard of an existence.

She always said that marriage is sacred and she vowed 'till death do us apart'. She held onto that last sliver of hope of him coming back to family and ask forgiveness which she would gladly endow upon him.

She always wanted the family bonds to be greater than anything but in the end, it became the cause of her death.


"Jungkook?" A hand shook me lightly which teleported me back to the present.

"Is everything okay?" Jimin asked.

"Um, yes Jimin, I was just thinking about something."

"Anything you need help with? Let me know if can help you." he said fixing his mittens and opening the microwave.

"Actually you can."

"Really? How? I would definitely love to pay back in any way as a return for your help."  He said as he took out the pie pot and set it to the counter.

"How about you pay me back by agreeing to be my friend?"

"I can. But I have one condition." said Jimin, non-clamantly, taking off his oven mittens.

"And what would that be?" I asked curiously.

"You are not ever allowed to fall in love with me."


Just one question today.

Who do you think is Jungkook's best friend and ex- boyfriend?

Next update tomorrow, as promised!

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