5 Days from Christmas- Regret

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The Warning from the previous chapter also implies in this one. 

Jimin was panicking as he watched the news on TV.

Earlier on TV.

There have been ongoing speculations that are now confirmed that Jung Hoseok has passed away. NIS has staked out and sealed his private properties.

What prove lurks behind the doors has not been unveiled to the General Public. The prosecution has no strong case now that the CEO of Jung empire is no more.

To know more, stay tuned with us. Bringing you the live updates from Seoul, Korea.


Getting the sun on the other side, the venture for the day was done when the moon peeked from the dark causing the night to hover. Jimin was now getting ready to sleep or to be more accurate, for a sleepless night, when his door was knocked.

Jimin answered the door, his heart throbbing. Just as he opened it he knew it is related to his late Husband Jung Hoseok. "Yes, Officer!" He asked the cops standing in uniform.

"You are coming with us." The cop replied.

"I am not going anywhere until you show me an arrest warrant." Jimin staged a strong persona albeit each tissue and cell in his body was shuddering.

"Mr. Park, We ask nicely. If you don't cooperate we will have to use force." An officer uttered in a voice very calm.

Jimin nodded as he quickly brought his jacket, tagged his wallet and phone. "Let's go." He said as he locked his door. 

"May I at least know what my crime is?" He asked the officer. 

Yesterday in Paris...

Jungkook went back to the hotel. His eyesight was hindering him to see anything due to dizziness because of the high blood loss but he had to go and finish reading Jimin's file. He reached his room trailing a long red blood streak behind.

When he was in Paris the first time and Jimin panicked thinking someone followed him, those words kept ringing in his ears. He felt uneasy that Jimin thought someone was stalking him.

Why would he panic like that unless he suffered in past and that is why he is so insecure in the present and has a hell lot of trust issues. So when he reached home he ordered to gather information about Jimin. It took two days for the private detectives to accumulate and send over the data to Jungkook.

He could not get himself to see the file how hard he tried. He needed to hear from Jimin first. It was his truth. Whatever it was. He carried the file along to Paris. He planned to tell him his truth and in return he wanted Jimin to speak his truth as well.

Unceasingly crying he slumped on thick carpet gliding through the papers of file. "Who are you Jimin?" He mumbled to himself flipping frantically through pages until he could not see anymore. He was at it for hours. He was more than halfway done when he called someone over the phone and then he called hotel reception. 

"I need a doctor." His meek tone reverberated through the line.

The hotel staff when entered the room the horrendous scene made them halt. There were shards and shrapnel with blood smeared all over. They immediately called Police before Doctor.

The media was girdling over the site a few minutes later. The identity was revealed by the hotel staff as Jeon Jungkook who was no average man so the interest of media was at par in the case. 

Jungkook was in the hospital and his Grand Mother has arrived as news spread like wildfire.

Cops were all over the place. Having money has its own merits. Had it been a common man like Jimin, he would have deteriorated in the gutter and no one would bat an eye. Cops were collecting evidence during the onsite investigation. They peered through the security cameras and whatnot. 

It did not take them long to find Park Jimin was the man last spotted or seen with Jungkook.


Back in Positano 

"Mr. Park. Do you know Jeon Jungkook?" Commissioner asked Jimin who sat across the polished brown table in a grey room of Police Station. There was no sound other than the slight buzzing of electric bulbs. 

"I do. What is wrong? Is he alright?" Jimin was thanking heavens that he did not puke out his husband's name by mistake. The case seems to be something else.

"No, Mr. Park. He is not well and hence we have called you here for interrogation. You were last seen with him last night and he was found bloody and senseless in his hotel room this morning. Do you have anything to say? Did you do something or you know something about what happened?"

Jimin was crying by now. His heart ached like an ax cut through his flesh and bones. "How is he now?" He asked without answering any question chucked his way.

"He is in ICU. Hopefully, he will live. But if he doesn't then there is trouble in your little paradise." The Commissioner replied with a straight burning gaze piercing holes in Jimin's otherwise wounded soul.

"He is my friend. I met him at the party yesterday. I don't know anything more." Jimin replied composing himself.

"When did you leave the party?" Commissioner cross questioned.

"After the party ended." Jimin put it there straight.

"Interesting. So the party did not end till morning. Is that right?" The Commissioner was now smirking a little.

"See, I told you I have nothing to do with him being in ICU." Jimin's eyes were pouring down streams now.

"If you are done with the investigation I think I would like to go back." Jimin said getting up from the chair. 

"We are not done yet Mr. Park." the Commissioner interjected causing Jimin to look at him.

"Please sit down." He said rather soothingly. "Are you sure you are his friend and nothing more? We have found a CCTV footage of Mr. Jeon forcibly putting you into the car. Did he by chance physically.."

"...No. As I said, we are friends and he did nothing to me. He drove me to my hotel. That's it." Jimin cut him off mid-sentence.

"Would you enlighten us about your sexual preference Mr. Park?" 

"And why do you think is it related to Jungkook?" Jimin scowled.

"We are just linking the story together. This is what I think happened. I think you are interested in men. Rich men." He emphasized the word.

"You sleep with them for money and blackmail them. When they deny you of favor or money you threaten them to expose their identity. As for Mr. Jeon, there is no public information about his sexuality. So you are going to tell me. Maybe you two ended up sleeping together and you were blackmailing him." 

"I am afraid Officer that your story is baseless. I cannot tell you anything more than what I already did. Next time please do not knock on my door unless you have a warrant." Jimin scuffled the chair as he stood up angrily and left.

The only thing on his mind now was Jungkook. He needed to go to him. To see how he was. 


Who killed Jimin's Husband?

Why did Jimin say he murdered his husband if he was still alive?

Do you want to pull your hair or slap someone? 

I bet you can't wait for next update but luckily, next update tomorrow, as promised!

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