6 Days from Christmas- Revelation

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Brace Yourselves. You will never recover from what's to come. (Don't say I did not warn ya!) 

Jimin gradually tries to wriggle out of the duvet which rustles on the commotion and Jungkook's grip on Jimin's waist tightens. Jimin sits upright against headboard of bed and tries to slyly untwine from inked arm of younger, not wanting him to wake up.

He now notices Jungkook's tattoos are actually not only on his knuckles but they occupied every inch of his visible skin in a long sleeve of ink running across his right arm which Jimin never saw given the cold weather and long sleeves. Sure they slept together last night but Jimin was so immersed in the moment that he did not observe anything other than younger's pleasurable moans and him calling his own name with those soft lips.

Jungkook opened his eyes droopily looking at the older. A really small but relevant smile curving his lips upwards while his eyes sparkled. 

Now that younger was awake Jimin took the opportunity to jump out of bed to hoard his scattered clothes from the floor. Jungkook sat upright and pulled up his own boxers till his waist. "Jimin!" He called out throatily with his dry mouth. 

Turning, Jimin awkwardly smiled at him as he got himself into the clothes. "Come back to bed. It is still early." Jungkook earnestly said as he killed up the space between them walking towards Jimin.

"Jungkook, I need to go." Jimin said not meeting his gaze.

"You can. But it is still very early. I will drop you myself. " Jungkook protested as he held Jimin's hands very delicately. His heart was throbbing looking at Jimin's face exhibiting regret. This is what he was afraid of.

//Please don't do this. I am scared Jimin.//

His mind was running on its own accord while his heart was religiously praying to God to make Jimin not regret this. Please. The mind and heart weren't creating the symphony he wanted. 

Jimin gently pried his hands off. "Sorry, Jungkook. I can't. I have to go. Right now." He was starting to panic. Jungkook courageously cupped his face and uttered sweetly instead of desolation building up inside him.

"Okay, let me go with you. Let me quickly change." He pleaded and leaned in, to kiss the older who pushed Jungkook away by gently placing his palms over his chest.

"No Jungkook. I am so sorry but I can't. I am so so sorry. Please forgive me but I can't. This.." He pointed his index finger between himself and Jungkook.

"..this...us.. this can never happen. This will never happen." Tears were rolling down his eyes now. 

Jungkook's mind suddenly immobilized. This is what he was scared of. He was paralyzed momentarily and tears slid out of his eyes effortlessly. "Why?" He mumbled.

"I just can't Jungkook." Jimin tramped across interjecting the younger as he reached out for the door but Jungkook held his wrist rushing behind him.

"Do you regret it?" He asked looking at his feet but still holding Jimin's wrist.

"I don't regret anything. I loved it. I cannot tell you how much. You are the best thing that happened to me in years" Jimin replied honestly.

"Then why?" Jungkook asked, tightening the grip a little.

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