9 Days from Christmas- Let's be

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"Come on! Tell me why are you really here?" Jimin's brain was all frozen with the amount of alcohol he had consumed. He had been drinking in Vineyard during the day and now in a bar where he met Jungkook. 

He was looking directly in the eyes of the taller man with such ease, making Jungkook all hot and giddy. 

Jungkook sighed. "Come here. Let's sit and talk." He held Jimin by the wrist and walked him away from the dance floor.

The man he likes but too afraid to show was with him. Jimin right now felt that he was complete. But it was just alcohol doing the trick. Maybe he would have acted differently if he was not drunk.

He had all the excuses to get it all out today. He had bagged a big one. Jimin could not be angry at Jungkook today for showing up here. Inwardly, he was happier to see him. How he wanted someone familiar to be with him during all the time of competition or right now and here he was.

"I need to tell you something." Jungkook's expressions garnered seriousness which would have scared Jimin if he was sober. Right now, his heart was thumping and his brain was fuzzy he could hear the surrounding voices all mushed together.

"Do you trust me?" Jungkook asked.

"It depends." Jimin replied.

"Trust is not circumstantial, Jimin. Either you trust me or don't." 

Jimin gulped at the way Jungkook was right now. His facial expressions were profoundly deep. "No Jungkook. I don't trust anyone. It doesn't come easy to me." Jimin replied blatantly.

"Do you think I can ever hurt you intentionally?" Jungkook asked.


"Do you think I can ever harm you in any other way?" 


"Then I think I have my answer." Jungkook replied as he flashed his card to pay the bill and then carried Jimin back to his hotel. He tucked him inside the bed and was about to leave when he was stopped by Jimin.

"Stay." He said. 

"No Jimin. It is quite late and you are drunk. You should get some sleep." Jungkook replied honestly. He would not be able to sop himself if anything happened today and he did not want that unless he had told Jimin everything about him.

If Jimin would still choose to stay then his life would change. He needed to get the weight off of his chest but he was pretty sure that Jimin would not be able to remember any of it the next morning.

"I am here. Close your eyes. Try to sleep." Jungkook sat beside Jimin and stroked his hair gently. 

Jimin closed his eyes and mumbled. "You did not tell me why you are here?"

Jungkook smiled at the elder adorably. He saw his winner's apron by the wardrobe and felt proud of him. He thought how life would be easier for him now. He would not have to work in small setups anymore. 

"Jungkook?" A voice stirred his attention back.

"Huh? Oh! I came back to see you." Jungkook replied in all honesty.

"What do you mean by back? Were you here before?" Jimin kept mumbling with his closed eyes.

"Yes, and then I went back home." Jungkook did not want to lie.

"Hmmm. Okay. You came to see me. You have seen me now. Why aren't you going back?" Jimin uttered slowly.

Jungkook looked at Jimin's tiny fists which captured Jungkook's index finger as a little laugh played on his face.

"I will go once you sleep." Jungkook cooed in his ear but Jimin sat awake.

"What? Jimin no. Go back to sleep." Jungkook started to whine now.

"Can you grab me a bottle of water from the fridge please?" Jimin seemed different now, more stable and less drunk.

Jungkook handed him a bottle which he gulped entirely. "What are you doing here Jungkook?"

"Seriously Jimin!" Jungkook rolled his eyes. "You have asked me this three times already."

"Ugh!" Jimin groaned holding his head.

"What's wrong? Are you alright?" Jungkook suddenly got worried and his face was expressing his emotions well.

"It hurts. My head hurts." Jimin replied.

"Wait, I will call for coffee or some lemonade." Jungkook said as he tried to call room service.

"No, It is 3 in the morning. The room service closes at 12. No one will be available right now." Jimin explained.

"I will get you coffee from outside. You rest here." Jungkook suddenly stood putting his hands inside the long pockets of his trench coat.

"No, Jungkook, stop. I think we can order from outside." Jimin shouted and Jungkook stopped. 

"Good idea." He grinned at Jimin.

"What do you want to have? Do you fancy eating anything?" Jimin fished out his phone and opened the food delivery app as Jungkook made his way back to bed.

They were sitting at a distance and it was not awkward between them. There was a friendly vibe around. 

Jimin placed the order for croissants and 2 black coffees.

"Done. It will reach in 20 minutes." Jimin sighed.


"Where are you staying Jungkook?" Jimin asked him next. He was completely sober now. 

"I am at my relative's place. They live here." Jungkook replied.

"That's nice. The comfort of home which I miss the most living a vagrant life." 

"But that changes now, isn't it? You get to take a job here. You can get a nice apartment nearby without having to move again. Not at least for a year." Jungkook said casually.

"You are right Jungkook! I didn't realize it till now. Oh, it is going to be super fun." Jimin sounded so excited and merry and Jungkook got lost in those eyes.

"When are you officially moving here?" Jungkook asked.

"I think I can check out this morning and go back. Wait what about you? When are you going back?" Jimin suddenly got curious.

"I will go with you if you don't mind." Jungkook replied in a low voice. 

"That's fine with me."

"But there is something I want to show you tomorrow. Will you extend your stay until then? We can leave after that?" Jungkook asked him excitedly.

"What is it?" Jimin asked in curiosity.

"No, I can't tell you now. You will have to wait till few hours in the morning. You will have to come there." Jungkook declared.

"Sure! I will." Jimin told Jungkook.

"You promise?" Jungkook asked to be reassured.

"I promise, Jungkook." Jimin replied sweetly. 

"Oh! There will be a dress code. Are you carrying any suit? If not I will take you shopping."

"I guess we are going shopping then." Jimin replied chuckling when the doorbell buzzed.

"The food's here." 


I am so excited about Christmas. Are you? What do you do at Christmas?

I just eat food. I don't care about other things as I am not a religious person but I am not an atheist.  I just don't follow a religion.

Next update tomorrow, as promised!

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