26 Days from Christmas- Closer

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Spending the night in a blue funk, Jungkook came to the fair field, very early. The horizon was on the play as the sun started to peek. He just sat there closing his eyes and let the warmness kiss his cold skin.

Sometimes there is coldness in the warmth and warmth in cold. The sun this morning was not harsh on him at all. It had a soft hint of coldness which he loved. It felt to him as if his mother laced a little love in the resplendent sun. 

Sounds started to come to his ears as people who started in early arrived at their stations and he opened his eyes. Soon after, he saw Jimin coming his way. He always carried one small bag with him. Today he wore yellow, Jungkook's favorite color. It filled him with warm happiness. The man looked surreal.

He walks to Jimin who smiles at him. "Good Morning Jungkook. Aren't you a little too early today?"

"I just had to check few things. You did not come yesterday. Everything alright?" Jungkook asks, trying not to sound too curious.

"I take Mondays off." Jimin replies as he sets his bag on the counter and takes out his apron. 


"When do you take off?" Jimin asks the boy conventionally.

"I don't." He replies showing his bunny smile. The smile was getting too much for Jimin so he drags his gaze down, back to his kitchen as he ties the apron around his waist.

"Why don't you? A break is needed for everyone."

"I just have nothing else to do at home so it is better to be with people rather than sticking in alone." Jungkook replies as he moves forward, as usual, to help Jimin.

When he sees an empty freezer he ceases for a moment. "Jimin, where are the vegetables?'' He asks with a face like a kid whose eraser has been stolen for the fifth time in a row.

"They will arrive soon. I don't use the old ingredients. Every alternate day the stock is refilled." Jimin chuckles lightly at confused Jungkook who was staring inside the freezer.


"So it means you have nothing to do for now until you get the ingredients?" Jungkook asks rather excitedly. 

Jimin furrows his brow, "yes." He elongates his word, anticipating something fishy coming from the tall man judging by his tone.

Jungkook holds Jimin's hand, "Let's go, I want to show you something." He starts to drag him outside the counter and away.

"Wait. Let me at least take off my apron." Jimin pulls back, chuckling but not questioning or stopping from what Jungkook had in mind.

They go to the roller coaster. "Wait here. It will be a minute." Jungkook orders Jimin.


Jungkook was already gone inside the door by the ticket counter. Everyone was sleeping inside except one man. He goes to him and asks him for one ride on roller coaster. The man looks at him unamused as if he was looking at a ghost putting on a show by break dancing in front of him.

"It's too early. We can't." He replies bitterly. "Please leave. This is for staff only."

"Okay look, I will pay for entire one round, all the seats." Jungkook tries to bargain.

"We have orders. Don't you get it? It will be against rules." The man gets angrier as his sleep was getting disturbed.

Jungkook sighs and takes out his card. "I am the Governing Council. I made the rules." He flashes it in front of man's face which he did not want to do but had to. To convince the man for one ride for his Jimin.

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