15 Days from Christmas- Accident

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"Master?" A maid calls Jungkook in a hushed voice who was laying on he couch, head hanging down towards the ground and legs resting on the head rest. Face certain amount of flushed by his spectacle.

"Hmm" he hums in response without opening his eyes.

"Your Grandmother called. Again! What do I tell her?"

Opening his eyes he replies, "the same thing which I taught you, Ms. Lopez."

"Gotcha!" She smiles.

"Will you repeat it with me?"

"Master Jeon is not staying for Christmas. He has gone for the business meeting abroad." They finish together in monotone as maid giggles.

"There you go." He corrects his posture, getting up only to plop down on the floor against the wall.

After the passing of his mother, Jungkook made sure that his father rots in jail. His Grandmother has been trying to get him to celebrate Christmas with them but he avoids it. Always. The memory lane irks his old healed wounds into new ones.

When everything reminds him about his mother, few regrets strut his way so fluently, of not being responsible enough when he could have. It pulls him deep down and he can never ditch the menacingly cold feeling that lingers.

"I will be going to Paris this year." He raises his pitch a bit to inform his maid who turns from a distance and looks at him dumbstruck.

She has not seen him leave the house on Christmas. With his blackouts all drawn, prohibiting any form of light he stays in bed.

When each one of those houses illuminates, Jungkook's humble abode reeks of grotesque goths.

No one is allowed to cook anything Christmas-related. He gives a week's holiday to all employees and makes one heck of a mess out of the house which has to be dealt by workers once they resume posts. That's how a second-generation super handsome and super-rich man spends his Christmas.

In all honesty, his mother has died just a week before Christmas extinguishing all his lights. His behavior was probable.

But till when?

With the hope that he will come out of the dreaded past, all efforts go astray. If this continued then the streak will not break and the counter will reset itself.

"Are you going for Business, Master Jeon?" The maid asks with astonishment written all over her face.

"It is personal." Jungkook mumbles to himself.

With Jimin's thoughts in mind, he calls him.

"Are you working today Jimin?

"I am. Why can't I see your royal presence here?" Jimin asks.

"I was not in the mood to work today."

"Oh Prince did not want to get out of bed is it?"

"Where did you get that notion from? Do I look like a prince to you?

Jimin wanted to say yes but he said, "I would say you rather look like Tinker Bell."

"What the actual and literal fudge? That's the first one."

"I am sorry. You look..fine." Jimin drops a pause between his words.

"Just fine?" Jungkook whines a little.

"See, the whiny and annoying Tinker bell behavior."

"No further comments. When do you leave for Paris? Before you call me Mr. Serial killer slash Stalker. No, I will not follow you into your flight."

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