16 Days from Christmas- News

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Phone Conversation:

Are you sure you are okay? You should have stayed today.

No Jimin, I did not want to overwelcome my stay.

Is it now?

Well you were busy anyway.

Oh! Now I get it. You went back because you needed attention.

Ofcourse I did. I am sick. You know that.

Sorry, Jungkook! Come back. I will give you all the attention. My work is done anyway.

Oh! So you would have prioritized your work if it was not finished. Wow. Such a great friend you are.

I sincerely apologize. You come back, I will make you something healthy. God knows what garbage you eat that you are so delicate.

I am not delicate.

Yes, you are. Jimin laughs

I am not coming. Period. You make fun of walls when I am not there.

Alright, Prince! I will not make fun of you. You come back or else I am coming to your house. Where do you live?

Such careless! Tch. Don't even know your friend's whereabouts.

Don't do this. I have a piece of really good news to share.

What is it?

I will tell you once you come back.

I am on my way.

Listen, carry your own clothes. You don't fit in mine.

Is it an invitation to stay the night again?



Do you perhaps want to die?

Okay! Okay! See you in 20. Sorry.


"I am going to Paris." Jimin squeals excitedly.

"What do you mean? Why?" Jungkook's face drops as he thinks that Jimin is leaving early, earlier than he was supposed to be. He said he would stay till Christmas.

//How is that good news?//

"Hey? You with me?" Jimin waves his hand in front of Jungkook's face to bend his ears.

He looks at Jimin with an expressionless face. "Aren't you happy for me?" Jimin asks as he gets up from the couch and walks toward the kitchen to bring snacks.

"I am happy for you my friend." Jungkook replies with a smile hiding thousands of pain.

"Do you remember the chef we met in the restaurant on our return after dropping Yoongi?" Jimin speaks loudly from the kitchen.

"Mm hm."

"He called me when you were sleeping yesternight. There is a cooking competition for which I enrolled myself. It is no less than Master Chef. If I win I will get a head chef job and get to launch my own recipes in kitchen." Jimin put plates of freshly baked oats, banana cookies, and kale chips on the coffee table.

The aroma of delectable cookies fill the room.

"But you wanted to get your own place. Why would you settle for a job?" Jungkook asks as he picks a cookie that Jimin offers him.

He sighs! "You probably would not be interested in it. It is a long story."

"I am all ears. We have nothing but time. Tell me." Jungkook insists.

"Well, I had to leave Korea for personal reasons and it became difficult for me to get jobs in other countries because of my limited knowledge of one cuisine. I had to learn and travel in order to sustain myself. I took small paying jobs for 3 years just so I could learn and earn just enough for my living. I started experimenting with what I have learned and I started writing my own books."

"I tried to send them for publications but I never got any response. Probably they got lost under the heaps of other books they must receive on daily basis. I had no one to sponsor me."

"Once I was in middle-east. After a whirlpool of appreciation on my take on the hummus I made, that was the day I realized that I can dream big now."

"What is hummus?" Jungkook asks.

"It is a Mediterranean and a middle eastern dip, spread, or savory dish made from cooked, mashed chickpeas blended with tahini, lemon juice, and garlic. I use some cumin and cayenne pepper to garnish along with parsley. It is not everyone's cup of tea because of its bland nature."

"Well, I'd love to try it." Jungkook says fondly.

"I can make it for you." Jimin replies fondly.

"Sorry. I interrupted you. Please go on."

"Yeah! So that was it. It was an awakening call for me. I quit my daily job. I decided that I would travel and do something like what I am doing right now. I researched about the festivals and boodles like these around the year. I go there and work for a month or two, staying in a short term accommodation and then carry on my adventure. In my free time I focus on my recipe books in a hope that I can make it big someday."

Jungkook was looking at him in admiration. His eyes were soft and an unfamiliar smile was plastered on his face as if he was silently uttering that he is proud of Jimin.

"Can I come with you?"

Jimin's eyes widen. "No."

"I mean I am going to work. They have already arranged my travel and stay. I cannot take you with me."

"I will arrange my stay. Don't worry about that. When are you leaving?"

"I am not telling you."


The next morning Jungkook comes back home, fully recovered.

He goes to his home office and opens his laptop searching for something.

He calls his secretary. "Esmerelda, please get my ticket and hotel booked for Paris after two days and I would like you to arrange something else at Bateaux Parisiens Seine River Gourmet." He says looking at his laptop screen.

"I will send you the details shortly. It should be perfect. Please see to that. I will personally go there and check."

"Thank you!"

He smiles to himself after disconnecting the call and immediately searches the restaurant where he visited Jimin and takes out the number from the website.

"See you in Paris, Jimin. My love." He smirks.


What do you think is going to happen in Paris?

Will Jimin get angry at Jungkook for spying and stalking him?

Next update tomorrow, as promised!

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