3 Days from Christmas- Labyrinth

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Jimin was dubious about everyone but he had never seen eyes so pure as Jungkook's. His heart fought with his mind laboriously and Jimin ended up falling for him even when he had trust issues.

But Jimin was determined that he would never mess up Jungkook's life. He had many strings attached and Jungkook did not deserve to get dragged in the pit along with him. What he did not know that Jungkook holds power which no one can fathom. If he had come clean Jungkook would have been a help.

Jimin directly sets off to the VIP wards because he knew if he asked at the inquiry he would not get any information considering he is not family and Jungkook being him would be in the VIP ward.

With few officers patrolling outside he gets the fair idea that Jungkook is in there. He waits for an opportunity to slid inside but what made it really difficult as there were a bunch. He could not wait any more, not specially when Jungkook is just one wall behind.

He sauntered towards the gate and got stopped. "Sorry, Who are you?" An officer asked.

Jimin contemplated and then the words came out which he also did not believe "I am his boyfriend. Please let me in." The officers glanced at each other but they let him in because if he really is what he said then they did not want to be on the bad side of J.JK.

He entered and saw an old lady laying on the couch whereas Jungkook was on the bed. Jimin stole one quick glance of Jungkook and his heart felt warmth. He was sleeping peacefully and looked nothing less than an angel itself even in this situation. An IV infusion pump attached to his arm and his other hand was all dressed in gauze. He trudged towards the lady, her eyes resembled Jungkook's. Her frail body which lay on the couch positioned itself to take a look at the invader.

Jimin crouched down on the floor, taking her palms in his own hands as unshed tears now escaped his eyes. "Halmeoni. I am Jimin. I am Jungkook's friend." He said in a low sweet voice.

"So you are." She held his hands as tightly as she could. "You are beautiful." She said as she pulled back her hand and caressed his face, tears escaping her eyes.

"Tell Jungkook to wake up. I am asking him to get up for a long time. He is not getting up." She told Jimin which caused Jimin to completely break down.

She put her hands together in between Jimin's and cried and he heard a faint voice calling his name. "Jimin."

He turned to see Jungkook putting his hand towards him. "Halmeoni, he is awake." Jimin said and made her stand to walk towards Jungkook's bed.

"Grand Ma" Jungkook whispered as she stroked his hair lovingly. Jimin stood behind the chair where she sat.

"My Son, How do you feel?" She asked.

"Now, I am well." Jungkook replied stealing a glance at Jimin.

"Your friend is here." Halmeoni turned her frame and reached out for Jimin's hand and put it into Jungkook's bandaged one. Jungkook smiled.

"I will rest for some time. You two should talk." She said as Jimin helped her out of the chair and walked her away slowly.

"Jungkook!" Jimin held his hand delicately. "Does it hurt?" He asked.

"Not anymore." Jungkook replied forbearingly and Jimin smiled. Tears of guilt building in his eyes.

"I am so sorry Jungkook." Jimin said apologetically.

"Don't worry. You don't have to be sorry." He replied.

Suddenly Jimin woke up and saw Jungkook has not woken up yet and he was sitting beside Halmeoni who has dozed off. He walked towards Jungkook and fondled his cheeks. "Please wake up Jungkook. I love you. I want to tell you how much. Please." He held his hand and sat there falling asleep again.

When he woke up Jungkook was not on his bed. "What the fuck!" He exclaimed. "Where did Jungkook go?" He ran to Halmeoni and asked her if she saw Jungkook who was also amazed.

She looked at her phone and nothing from Jungkook. His clothes and phone were all gone. "I am calling him." Jimin said frantically.


"Hello, Sir!" A cop greeted Jungkook.

"How dare your people lay hands on Jimin?" He asked gnashing his teeth.

The cops were bewildered. "W-what do you mean Sir?"

"What I mean is he was called out for interrogation. They asked him all sorts of questions back in Positano. Who gave the orders for the jurisdiction which is not yours?"

"I-I am sorry Sir but the moment the case was filed it was our responsibility to check out the sources. Jimin was the one last seen with you and we needed to get to the core of this. I am really glad you are fine." The cop said looking at the bandaged hand.

"I revoke the case. This happened because of an accident. I do not want Jimin to get involved in this at all. Please issue an official apology letter and you will have to compensate for what you did." Jungkook warned him and the officer could only gulp.

He bowed as Jungkook stood and left.

"Officer Karl! Please inform Positano station that the case has been revoked." He ordered his subordinate. "We are in trouble." He mumbled.


"Leave the country. I have arranged everything ready for you. Your kids will be taken care of." A voice told Dr. Seokjin over the phone.

"Will I get in trouble?" He asked.

"Not as long as you forget that you have ever met me." Namjoon replied.

"Please don't hurt me. I have done what you have told me. Please don't hurt my kids." Dr. Seokjin pleaded.

"Don't worry. Your kids are safe. They will meet you at the Airport in the evening." Namjoon replied.


"Jungkook has sent me a text. He has gone back home, Jimin." Halmeoni informed Jimin and his heart broke a little. He had come to see Jungkook but the younger must have decided that he does not want to see Jimin anymore.

"Serves him right." He thought.

"Come back with me." She requested and Jimin agreed. Surprisingly cops were all gone and Jimin could not care less about it as long as Jungkook is fine.

He will have to come back to Paris to join his new job after three days and he would make sure to at least talk to Jungkook before leaving.


Phone Conversation

"Is it done?" Jungkook asked Namjoon.

"It sure is. Don't worry about a thing." Namjoon replied.

"I don't have to as long as I have you." He chuckled.

"That goes without saying." Namjoon also replied chuckling.

"Where are you? Are you feeling better now?"

"I am alright and back at home. Happy Holidays Namjoon!"

"I really hope you also have Happy Holidays this season."

"Thanks Namjoon!" Jungkook said.

"Until next time." Namjoon replied.


Feedback please.

Next update tomorrow, as promised!

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