25 Days from Christmas- Love

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"I am not going for Christmas at Grandma's this year. Please."

"This was not a request young man."

"Mom! How can you be so cruel to your only son?" Isn't it.."

Someone was suddenly twisting his ears from behind when he was cut off.

"What the... Hail Mary! Granda! What a lovely surprise! I was just telling mom that we should totally go to Grandma's for holiday." Jungkook said trying to get his ear released from a deathly grip.

"You disrespectful little shit." Grandma said putting a smirk on her face.

She was lovely.

"Woah woah woah..how dare you call me little?" Jungkook remarked justly.

She twisted my ear more and more. "Okay, alright! Can we have a bottle of LaCroix here?" Jungkook asked on top of his voice to one of the maids, pointing towards Grandma.

She chuckled and let go of him as they hugged.

End of Flashback.

"Jungkook! Hey Jungkook?" Are you okay? Jimin asks shaking his shoulder a little.

"Oh sorry!" Jungkook who had a beautiful smile with glistening eyes turns around to silently wipe the tears.

"What do you want to eat today?" He asks over many customers hovering over his booth like flies on the fruit.

"I will come back later." Jungkook returns leaving Jimin to wonder.

//Why was he standing here if he did not want to eat?//

Jungkook was hardly seen in supposedly-his-booth but Jimin never tried to pry.

Today was no different when the crowd depleted past ten, the time when Jimin sold out everything. On holidays, time used to squeeze further down.

It has become routine for Jimin and Jungkook to spend some time in the morning when Jungkook would help in chopping. His chopping skills were improving by each day according to Jimin.

Before leaving Jungkook would always come to eat together just like the first day. They don't talk about personal lives though.

Jimin had no clue about the royalty that Jungkook is. He always noticed him wearing those big brands but believing that they are from thrift stores seemed more plausible to him rather than thinking otherwise. After being taken aback by the 'Boyfriend' comment earlier, he did not even realize that they were alone on the roller coaster ride which would mean that Jungkook had pulled some strings and it is not possible for any common man to bring about.

Still uncertain of the reality, Jimin goes to the carnival house. "Excuse me. I am looking for Jungkook." He asks the one behind the ticket counter.

"Who?" The man asked perplexed.

"Hey, Jimin?" Jungkook appears from behind. "Do you need anything?" He asks.

The store owner looking at Jungkook bows at him in a manner of respect. Jungkook reciprocates before they walk back to Jimin's booth.

"That man. Did he not know your name?" Jimin asks Jungkook as they walk side by side.

"He does. Maybe he was just tired. That's why he did not say anything."

"Anyway. Aren't you hungry? I was thinking to close for the day." Jimin asks as they reach the booth.

"Let's eat. Maybe I can drop you home today?" Jungkook asks hoping Jimin would say yes.

"It's not far. I will just walk. Don't fret about it." Jimin responds.

"Then we shall walk." Jungkook declares while Jimin serves the food. Hearing Jungkook he chuckles softly.

"If you don't mind me asking, where is your family?" Jungkook nervously asks the beautiful man.

"Not at all. I have Mom and an elder sister. They are in Korea. My dad passed away a few years ago."

"I am sorry Jimin." Jungkook says regrettably.

"No, it's okay. It has been so long. What about you? How long have you been living here?" He asks.

"I was born here. I have not seen much of Korea." Jungkook replies.

"Is your family here?"

Jungkook looks down, feeling it was becoming difficult to swallow the food. "They are no more." He lets out in a low murmur.

Jimin puts his hand on Jungkook's dorsal side of the palm, softly rubbing it. "I am sorry too."

"Thank you, Jimin!"

They eat in silence after that.


Jimin cleans up everything to get it ready for tomorrow and leaves with Jungkook.

While walking they look upon the untainted red Christmas stockings hung by the doors, Santa figurines with candy canes, the decorations with a shimmer of yellow, and the street lights, molding the good memories, making the walk all too pleasing.

Two people walking together and silently getting lost at each turn respiring the cold wind. Not aware of what destiny has to offer for them.

There was no doubt that there was fondness growing between them. Jimin was not the one to trust people easily.

This sojourn of Jimin acquainted him with the blazing spirit of locals. This is what boosts him to keep going on tough days.

"It will start to snow next week according to the weather forecast. There is a cliff nearby where people go and watch. Do you want to go?" Jungkook asks side glancing at Jimin whose hands were folded against his chest. All Jungkook wanted was to hold them at that moment.

"Yes, let's do this. I wanted to watch snow myself. How far is it from here?" Jimin asks curiously.

"Not far. We can sled our way." Jungkook says chuckling as cold vapors come out of his mouth.

"You are joking, right? Don't tell me they still use those things." Jimin deadpans.

"I am serious. They still do and I think it will be fun to do it." Jungkook looks at Jimin pressing the seriousness of the fact.

Jimin laughs which warms Jungkook's heart and makes it skip a few beats as he gets lost in those half-crescent orbs under the Christmas moon. It shows in his eyes. Jimin becomes a little nervous by the looks on the man's face.

"This is me. Good night then." He says awkwardly, not knowing what here is the norm. Should he hug him or shake his hand to thank him. Either of those felt too dramatic so he decided on not doing anything and sufficing with a simple "thank you. See you tomorrow."

"Can't wait." Jungkook says walking backward smiling widely at the most elegant man he has ever seen.

Lovesick Jungkook turns to walk back mumbling to himself.

"I am falling for you more. You cross my mind more than the time itself. I cannot sleep. Something that never happened."

"They say too much of anything is good for nothing. But I am risking it all. Otherwise, where is fun in that?"

"I think I need to tell you sooner than later."

"Will you be mine? You are the only one I want more of. "

"It feels you are the one I was looking for, all this time."

"Despising myself for a long time round. I don't want to do it anymore if you stay."

"Colours of life is a riot. Lead me to it."


What is going to happen in snow?

Next update tomorrow, as promised!

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