14 Days from Christmas- Opportunity

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Jimin was planting a maple tree which was sent to him by Jungkook. "The boy sure has a taste." Jimin thought when he recieved a sapling in a small pot that was brought to him by a kid, looking all cute with her shrilled dress and colorful glittery butterfly hair clips.

He has to leave tonight for Paris and he wanted to see Jungkook before he left but Jungkook today decided to abandon his work.

The good thing is Jungkook had friends as he said, to look after his work without meeting with any losses.

He was nervous and wanted to talk to someone to soothe his nerves.

Almost everything on his to-do list was done. He was planning to visit Paris after Christmas when he would leave the city but one lucky stranger covets a miracle for him.

His heart fiddle heavily as he planted the tree and went back home seering the card which read "May luck be with you! J. JK"

He would be so content if he ever comes back and visits the tree he planted. A smile kept painted on his lips the entire walk home. The card was precious to him. He is nothing if not nostalgic and he planned to keep it as a reminder of Jungkook.

There was something which was bugging him about the initials, J.JK. He has read the same initials somewhere but he could not recollect or pinpoint them.

With a tangled web of thoughts and emotions, he did not completely recognize that he was already home.

His house owner was back and he had to briefly meet him before packing up and leave.

Even after travelling for almost 3 years he still gets anxious. It is not until he boards the flight it slackens. He really needed to see Jungkook, his heart told him that Jungkook would be able to tranquilize him.

As he reached home he straight away went to his house owner's door and rang the bell. He kept shaking his elbows to calm himself.

The door opens and the man welcomes him brightly. "Come on in."

Jimin smiles back as his boots trudge inside and over to the living room. "I am Park Jimin."

He extends his hands and the tall man accepts them in response. "Nice to meet you Jimin, I am Oli London."

"Feeling is mutual Mr. London."

"Oh! Please. Call me Oli. He smiles sweetly which gets acknowledged while he offers Jimin a seat.

Clara joins the men as she brings water for Jimin.

"Do you need something honey?" She asks her husband.

Oli shakes his head and pulls her gently by his side to accompany him.

"I heard about your cooking Jimin. Clara would not stop talking about it. You have spoiled her. Now you have got to teach me before she gets an idea of divorcing me. And she tells me you are single too. I don't want to risk it." He wittingly puts it out there and laughs.

Jimin flinches at the mention of a relationship but then he composes himself. He also does not know if he should call himself single as the thought of a certain man crosses his mind.

Clara elbows her husband who held notice of Jimin's slight discomfort.

"Sorry Jimin. He blabbers too much." She flashes a smile at him.

"No Clara. It's fine." He reassures. "I am leaving for few days but once I am back we can do something like barbeque."

"Well great!" I cannot wait." Oli guffaws.

"Excuse me Oli. I would have to take leave now. My flight is in few hours. I will get my stuff ready." Jimin gets up and leaves after bidding goodbye to the nice family.

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