Physical Appearance She is a white female with black pixie cut hair, she wears a lot of different Flannel shirts with blue jeans, Chocorua trail mid waterproof hiking boots and a black sweater. She also seems to carry a Olympia Hopkins Backpack that does have stuff in it that she can protect herself from other demons. In her Church Grim form/Hellhound She is a black dog with red eyes, resembles an Irish Wolfdog. She also seems to wear a prayer's bracelet that is black with that one white bead at the middle. She haves the white one with the black to show she's already contracted with one. When the person dies her contract is broken and the bracelet will disappear till she makes a new contract. She also wears a silver cross and a charm to prevent any demons possessing her.
Personality Alex is a very quite yet loyal Demon(?) you want to make contracts with. In her human form she is mostly like to do things that boys would do. She don't mind getting her hands dirty. She is quite so that she can listen to the conversations around her and sneaks around people. The first time you meet her, she gets very protective with what ever she is protecting from and her fights gets aggressive quickly, some spells, demonic traps can get her stuck, salt can stop her unless she is form of there shadow and she can easily go throw. Holy water can burn her but can't kill her. She does have a open mind and she will tell you straight up what she thinks, at times she will tell you that those ideas won't work. When her feelings are hurt she will hide for a while till someone apologized and really means it.