Appearance Hiro is a light skinned teenager that haves black short pixie cut hair, her demon tail, ears and little fangs shows also. She is normally seen in a school boy's uniform as she said "gives me more room." When Hiro wears her casual cloths she haves white shirt with a black sweater on along with the hood on her head, normal blue jeans and white socks with sneakers on. Her tail is always shown as she didn't really cared about it. Hiro also seems to carry a Sig Sauer P320 everywhere she goes.
Personality When you first meet her Hiro seems rather cold and not caring as she sometimes skips classes that "isn't worth her time." She is more aggrieve the Rin can be when angered and she don't hold back when she fights. But once you get to know her and understand what Hiro's been throw then you can see throw those cold looks that she is the most caring and trustworthy one. She don't show emotions but the way she talks or acts will surprise you, she just have some trouble showing or explaining it.
History IWP
Meister & Abilities Light Blue Flames A majority of her power are sealed within the with her familiar Tora, however, Hiro is able to summon a small amount of blue flames even with her familiar once they Are summoned, typically whenever she is enraged. Most people would mistaken her as one of Satan's kids cause of the flames but since hers is light blue it would be weaker then Rin's flames. Though it's unknown how she was a Nephilim.
Demon Form Whenever Hiro summons her familiar, which acts both as her "heart" and the source of his demonic power, she gains access to her true power. Likewise, this also puts Hiro at a severe disadvantage, as she does not keep her tail concealed, which is one of her weaknesses, and it exposes her heart, meaning that if her familiar is killed while being out, SHE will die.
Dragoon This is the first offense and defense when Hiro don't want to use her familiar, she she seems to already carry a Sig Sauer P320 when she was first seen. But she still need proper training to use it correctly.
High-Speed Regeneration Allows Hiro to recover from fatal or near-fatal wounds at astonishingly high speeds, giving her an extreme amount of durability. But when it comes to broken bones it will have to be healed normally.
Telepathy Hiro has shown the ability to exercise telepathy to a higher class demon who is not capable of speaking human language, as is the case with Kuro, Ukobach and Tora.
Spectral Awareness Though this ability was suppressed due to Mephisto's sealing to her gun, once Hiro's powers were completely unleashed, she gained the natural ability to see demons because of her half-breed.
Blue Bullet While she was training with her flames she can transfer the flames to her bullets and causes more damage. But it will take some time and concentration to make her do that, so some people would have to guard her at the time.
Trivia •Favorite pastime is mostly seen to hang out and cause some harmless trouble with Amaimon, but when he isn't around she likes to mostly read.
•Manga genres are Comedy and romance, she thinks those two are a perfect combination when you want a good book with some drama in it too.
•favorite type of boy the one that accepts her for who she is and will never do anything to hurt her in any other way.
•favorite animals a cat, she thinks not only there cute but they are also funny when they act silly and they can be fun. They can also be a chilling cat if your nice enough to them.
•favorite food a nice spicy curry, not too spicy for her but like spicy enough when it comes to cold/winter days to at least warm you up for the day.
•sleeping hours is a normal 7 hours daly. She likes to sleep as early as she can then wake up early in the morning when the stars are still out along with watching the sunsets.