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Affiliation(s) •Valorant Protocol
Code Name Tracker
Role Initiator
Voice Claim Genshin Impact - [Raider Ei Voice]
Appearance Iris haves fair skin since she's always outside. She haves white hair to blue at the tips, she also haves grayish eyes that tell them she's blind. On missions or on the clock she wears long Lorette Parka with a fur hood around the edges with black snow paints, with those plants she wears black long snow boots with fur at the edges. Black gloves but it's also archery gloves. She haves easy access to her bow and arrows onto her back and her small blade is on her right side of her thigh.
On Iris's relaxing/days off she wears a black turtle neck sweater with denim overall over the wears and it haves pants with it. she haves a Police whistle that haves a pendent but no one knows is that there's a chip that the mother given her to protect, with the necklace is another necklace is a amethyst crystal.
Personality Due to Iris having to do things alone she is mostly a a lone wolf and does things solo even on most team missions she will do alone. When trying to do a team she finds it difficult to make them do the things she wants to do instead of the plan. Sometimes her plan does work but half the time it almost kills her in the process. She cares about the people with her and not about herself just like her mother was before her passing. She don't want others to look after her but deep down she wants people to be around with.
But her overall personality she is actually a very protective and caring woman who looks out for others than herself. When someone gets her she always stays by their side till help get there. If you hurt her village or the Valorant team then there will be hell to pay. She is known to be aggressive but sweet at the same time.
Profile Iris is born at Alaska, when she was born and her parents finds out she is born blind that's when her father just up and left the mother and the baby. So her mother been raising her all alone and helping not only her daughter but the village they live in. But when Iris was only ten years old a really bad blizzard comes out but one thing was her mother was out hunting with the other hunters to get pelts and food for them. The storm lasted a week and she was with one of the villager families when there was a brake so she can be taken care of while the mother was out. But only to find out that she and a few others died during the storm and the only thing the mother given her was the crystal amethyst necklace as her good luck charm. So the village taken care of her as she looks after then to make sure there's no danger and due to being a Radiant she can feel the change in the environment around her so she can warn everyone if there's danger. After years of being the guardian she is known as Nova, but things changed completely. One day while she was out doing her patrol as usual that's when three unknown people came up to her. They said their name is Omen, Chamber and Sova but what she didn't know is they are the counterpart of the trio. When they attacked her she did managed to fight back but she came back to the village with injuries. Only a month past and Brimstone ordered Sova to look for a person name Tracker. So when Sova arrived Iris attacked him thinking that he was the counterpart. But while they were fighting she had to stop and bring him in her cabin to go throw the blizzard. While this happens they are stuck like the others in the village. They have to work together to keep the village safe from any possible danger and from starvation. But while this happens she haves to either think about being part of the Valorant Protocol agency and protect her people and village or she dies and she will lose everything else.
Abilities Echo Location With the police whistle Iris haves she uses this to help her to 'see' the outlines of buildings and walls. When the noses bounces back it allows her hearing 'see' and map out the area she's in. As she does steps she can also be able to locate and pinpoint where everyone is around the area.
Blizzard Scenery The blizzard/snow is her way of utilizes her sense of touch to identify the position of enemies and their weaknesses by feeling small disturbances in the air.
Spiritual Summon Depending on the environment she can summon up to four of them. This allows her to track down her targets without leaving her spot she is camping at. It can be any animal she knows.
Ultimate: Brain Freeze She can freeze up an entire area and if enemies are caught in her ult they will freeze for 2-3 seconds and give their location away.
Equipments Police Whistle This whistle helps her to 'see' when her ability is activated. She uses the sound waves to allow her to map out the outline of the buildings and peoples. She can also remember how people walk or even breathing. But this whistle helps her when she needs it.
Messenger Bag This lets her carry a First Aid with her just in case, due to being a hunter one always haves a kit on them no matter what.
Canteen This canteen is specially made to hold infinite amounts of snow, she can even make the snow as a blizzard if she wishes too.
Small blade This is for her Sightless self defense when in hand to hand combat. She's maybe blind but she was tough by two hunters how to fight back even though she blind.
Bow Nothing really special about this bow, both Raze and Killjoy made this hunter bow stronger for missions so that it don't brake easily.
Arrows These arrows are actually meant to take more damage when it makes contact. one of them shocks, second one allows her to make a dome shied around her team if they are working on the spike bomb or if they are injured. Third will make a explosion when it goes in the fire or makes contact to anyone or anything.