Physical Description Spices Human (Formerly) Vampire(Currently)
Gender Female
Love Interest Aro Volturi
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Backup Love Interest Marcus Volturi
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Height 5'3
Hair Color Blond(Formerly) Silver(Currently)
Eye Color Red Black(When thirsty)
Skin Color Pale (almost translucent)
Affiliation Occupation Guard of Volturi
Loyalty Volturi
Family Mother Unnamed
Father Unnamed
Grandparents Unnamed
Ex-Husband Trevor|Vampire|Alive
Son Jack|Human|Dead
Physical appearance Livia looks like she is in her 20's but due to her almost translucent skin she is much older then you think she is. Like all vampires she haves Red eyes and changes to black when she grown hungry. Even though she is from the BC age she though changing herself would make it hard for humans to know she's a vampire. So she haves silver pixie cut hair that stops to her ears. Since she works for Volturi she would wear a cloak with Black paints, White polo shirt with a red vest that. She wears a black pack bag that haves some stuff she cares about.
Personality and traits She is seen to be aggressive sometimes and it will be worse if she is angered or hungry. She knows that Aro will get mad but she likes to pick on him about his childish behavior, she finds that to be cute actually yet funny since he is centuries old and one of the Kings of vampires. She cannot feed off of children due to watching her Ex-Husband feeding and killing there child front of her. After what her 'husband' did to her before and after she turned she now hates being touched, she sometimes lets Aro do it but there are moments when she won't allow him to do it. she haves a deep hate about her Ex-Husband after what he did to her so she is always forced on trying to find and kill him. She also seems to understand what Aro says when he speaks Italian and she can speak fluently even though she isn't Italian herself.
Vampire abilities Livia's skill and speed is what you would have to look after. Due to her average strength she can't rip heads off easily so she sometimes would need help. She can hold them down while the other does the job for her. Her speed and skills is dangerous so don't anger her.
Hypnoses This gift allows her to hypothesize anyone within 100 feet and within eye view to make it affective. She can make people say or do things she wants them too. But Bella is the only one that can shield and protect themselves or others from it.