Hobby East dropping Sometimes fighting Reading Helping William
Goals Finding out the truth behind her family's death(Currently)
Love Interest William T. Spears
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Crimes ???
Type of Villain ???
Appearance She is a young Grim Reaper looking woman that haves chartreuse phosphorescent eyes due to being a Shinigami. She have heavy near sighed vision so she somehow sneaked her glasses when she quite. Her glasses are the same as Williams but the side of her glasses are black, she wears the same type of cloths that William wears and looks more male witch is why most people would mistaken her as a male. She does hide her death scythe from everyone, she does hide her arm bracers that can help her hide her scythe better.
Personality Her eyes are cold and hard when you first meet her since she haves trust issues. She don't talk a lot about her family, if you talk about her past she will go and hide as she brake down crying making her think she isn't worth living for. When she commit suicide she didn't talk about her past and how she does it, but the only two people who knows how she killed herself is William T. Spears and Undertaker. She does care about everyone she just have trouble showing it and telling them how she feels about it. She sometimes help William to his targets during his field work so that he can finish his job quicker.
Deathscythe Her death scythe is a Guarding Trowel, she haves two arm bracers that goes around her forearms, there are invisible strings that is attached to her beavers and to her scythe. She can control how long she wants it or bring it back to her, she can even use it to tie people up. The strong cannot be cut by normal human stuff but it's easily cut by other scythes.