Aliases Nurse Pabacea Copycat Cry Baby Little Loki
Physical Description Species Demigod
Age Unknown
Gender Female
Pantheon Unknown
Origin Unknown (Heaven, possibly)
Love Interest Poseidon
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Appearance Panacea haves white skin as it shows she don't get a lot of sun. With that though she haves a gray platinum hair that stops to her shoulder blades and she haves her hair braided with some colorful string around her hair. She have blue eyes that almost looks like the sea themselves.
This maybe be weird clothing chose but She wears a black overall jumpsuit with white stripes on her shoulders, little above her forearm and around where her ankles are, it also haves two orange stripes that goes from where her armpit is located to the middle of her chest. But when using her ability that's when her cloths change depending on who she chooses. She wears a net blue crystal necklace that was made and given as a gift by Poseidon himself.
She haves two Magic Pouches that are located on both legs on her thighs, along with some duel war fans, surgical knifes or whatever she can fit in.
Personality Most gods that knows Panacea would say she haves a split personality. No one knows if that information is true but she does seems to change her personality or mood depending on what is going on and how bad it is. She don't user her ability right away, the only thing she shows is her healing but not the other, she rather keep it a secret that way not everyone knows about it.
While she isn't in fighting mode she's little similar to Göll when she gets scared or worried about someone even if they are badly hurt. But when working she does have this caring and sweet side of her where people felt comfortable.
But when it comes to her fighting mode she does have little bit of Loki where she likes to play around with her opponents and then when she really into it, she can really show her power.
Abilities Godly Strength While not on the par of the Einherjar or her fellow Gods. Panacea is a competent fighter as she was able to lift and hold up a huge humans with one hand.
Semi-Immortality As a demigod, Panacea is incapable of dying from old age. It's said that she's over the age of 1000+ but it's not said how old she really is.
Divine Physiology As a demigod, Panacea possesses physical abilities far greater than any ordinary Human. Her body can not be harmed by mortal weapons, however, she can still be harmed by unarmed attacks from individuals with superhuman strength and Divine Weapons.
Divine Mimicry This ability allows Panacea to change cloths, weapons and copy the said god's ability along with her. As long as she seen them before and remembers them, then she's allowed to use them at given time. As an Example, if she were to copy Poseidon then she would've have his clothing, trident and his ability's.
But if there are physical abilities(like Zeus for an example) then she can't copy those. If it means to change her body and/or super strength boost then she can't use those. If she were to use that then she can brake herself from the inside and possibly kill herself as well if over her limits.
Healing Due to Panacea being a goddess of healing she can heal almost anything along with knowledge of what herbs to use to help someone get better. But with her ability to heal she haves to be close enough for it to take affect(so it's a close range). And this does take a lot of focus so she can't be distracted or disturbed.
Air Leaping When she jumped the same type of magic circles would appeared but below her feet, she don't always use this but it shows that she can walk on thin air only to get out of dangerous positions or attacks.
Equipment Crystal necklace It said that Poseidon given this to her on her birthday and the crystal does almost looks like the blue sea as her eyes does too, most would say that's a dull or cheap way but she loves it regardless.
Magic Pouches Just like Jack the Ripper she haves the same pouches but they're located on both her leg and right thighs, it's Simon how it works as well but she can put her fan in there even though they are slightly bigger then the bag itself.
Surgical knives Due to being a nurse she tends to carry these type of knives but only to make quick attacks if needed. She sometimes even use these to get someone by the pressure point to make them stop.
Dual War Fans Panacea carries around a pair of gold-plated Japanese War Fans, her fans are of a golden color with several patterns resembling stars engraved on the side complete with a green tassel. They are extremely sharp and suited for her style of combat, being able to slice and slash as well as swords and generate huge gusts of air. They are also shown to be extremely durable, withstanding multiple sword slashes and attacks without breaking.
Trivia •Panacea (Greek) – This Goddess represents the universal cure that can reverse all sickness and restore health and well-being.
•The War Fans are like Douma's(From Demon Slayers) fans but just different patterns.