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Occupation Information Occupation Guardian(formal) FBI spy(current)
Affiliation Federal Bureau of Investigation
Title Spy
Family/Relatives Mother 1 Decent
Stepfather 1 Alive
Sister 1 Decent
Brother 1 Alive
Face claim Tina Jittaleela
Personally When she first meet people she is very quite but can be cold aswell. She has been throw a lot in her life throw abuse and so that kind of life makes her the way she is. She is a tomboy and will her aggressive moments went angered. But once she gets to know you more and warms up to you, she will start talking alittle.
Appearance She is a short pale woman with glasses. Her normal is a black jacket, a black T-Shirt and black paints along with black. She carries holsters that holds two of her guns and she caries her FBI badge. She wears a duffle back to carry her things along with her Black Gi and black belt with some red tape on it. Her work cloths is the same looks at Seeley booth's, a business suit. due to having a abusive step dad she haves a scar on the middle of her right cheek as it goes down to her jawline. She does have a scar on both her shoulders to the back of her shoulders. She does have more on her back but since she wears cloths she hides them from others.
Relationships Jack Hodgins Jack is the first person who found her hurt in a fight at a alleyway, so he lets her stay at his house to make sure she is safe and healthy till she can get back on her feet. At first she was quite with him but the more they hanged out and she listens as he talks the more she started to get use to him. As he was out doing his work she always seen cleaning around the house and doing yard work. He wanted to pay her for the nice things but she refuses the money even though she is homeless. So she made a deal with him, if he needs something done he can get a hold of her and she will do it but half of the the was going to pay her.
Zack Addy She seen him a lot with Jack and sees that there best friends and brother like bonding. She can tell he is a wired person but she can careless about that towards him. When she found out that both boys work in the same place she wanted to visit them and make them lunch. She tends to Mack zack mac and cheese since she knows it's his favorite food.
Temperance Brennan She first meets Temperance when they found the bodies of her family she wanted to talk to her but she never said a thing to her, she don't really trust the woman since she don't know much about her. But soon enough she is going have to if she is going to to work with her like booth.
Seeley Booth She meets booth at the same alleyway when she was walking down there but then broke to a run when Seeley was close to get her. But then he talked her down and cuffed her to only answer questions about her family's murder. Again she never said anything as she stays in the room waiting, booth can see something is wrong with her though so he tried a different approach.
Lance Sweets Was the first person booth to ask to help them to get answers from her. As he walks up to her she didn't look so happy as she starting to show her aggressive side of her and then she was being stubborn and not even fallowing orders they given her. He can tell that she don't trust a lot of males and something in her past made her this way.
Camille Saroyan She knows cam is the boss of where everyone works at, she does fallow her directions without question but she don't really have a great bond with her. Both of them tend to ague and fight. So she always tries to invoid her. When she first meet her she didn't really liked her personality and attude
Angela Montenegro Angela was the last person they picked to get her to talk, at first she wasn't happy but when Angela started to talk to her and now seeing what pain she is going through she manages to brake her and get the answers she needs. She also promised her that if she needs anything and needs help she can go to her and she will try her best to help out.
Step father(Murder and abuserer) She is the weakness of this man killing her Mother and alittle Sister, so kept her mouth shut and if she said anything he would blackmaile her and then her life.
Trivia •When she haves free times she will play Assassin Creed. It's own way to have some stress reliever. She does love to read too if she isn't in the mood to play.
•She can play the guitar and sing very well. She's mostly heard sing country songs. The one song she loves is "Standing outside of the fire" By garth brooks.
•She does have slight PTSD and panic attacks due to her step father abusing her and watching the killer killing her mother and sister front of her. But she is stable enough to keep herself in watch unless she gets triggered by the sigh of blood or someone dying protecting her.
•She can also shoot guns due to her brother training her. She is also seem to know Archery very well. But she can't shoot moving targets. That's the weakness she haves.
•She is also seen to know pickpocketing. The only down fall is she haves to be close enough to her target to get what she wants. But she sometimes does this a lot towards Sweets as she always seem to have a hold of his gun, FBI badge or his wallet.