Team Girls Volleyball Team(High School) Sendai Frogs(Collage year)
Passion Middle Blocker(Pre-Timeskip)
Background Information Family Unnamed Mother Unnamed Father Unnamed Older Sisters Kōtarō Bokuto(Older Brother)
Goal Keeping Taukishma from losing that spark of playing volley ball
Likes Volleyball Cherry Cheesecake Pocky
Home Town Miyagi Prefecture
Home Country Japan
Appearance Moi haves golden colored eyes like her brother with shprt white-Gray hair, the top of her hair and the end of her hair haves black on them. She is short and skinny but she is a medium built built body. Due to being the captain of the Girls Volleyball Team at the Karasuno she will have the same type of team cloths and the number 1 on her shirt.
Casual Cloths
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Personality Moi is mostly seen to be quite and shy. She does have a big heart of volleyball and taking the game seriously when playing. She does help the teams with practice when needed or if they need someone to fill someone in then she will volunteer to be in the team. When meeting new people Moi seems to hide behind Bokuto, Kuroo or Akaashi but once she warms up she will start to hang around with that person. She tends to always seen to answering the door and waking up in her onesie pajamas. But in the court she's a completely different person, not only her blocking is something you have to be careful of but her serving is also something. But her spikes and reseving is still a working progress.