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Enemies Any demons try to hurt the people or hood demons she's taking care of.
History Her mother's name was Chika it means scattered flowers. Her human father fall in love with her when he first lay eyes in her. But it was risky for there love Sence there are demons who will kill him. So she had to kept him safe at her home. Years went by as they given birth to a half demon and human girl. Her mother was also a dog demon, when a war broke lose both parents died and they leave there poor baby behind. A couple went by and spited the small half demon baby and taken her in. They known something is different about her but they can't leave the baby alone to die. When she turned to the age of 10 in human years she went out to get some wood for her adopted family but when she came back she sees the village into flames and smoke. She quickly runs in the village to look for her family. But she found them dead as she got mad and her demonic side taken over. She grabbed her mother's sword and killed all of them demons in rage then blacked out. She looks 25 in human years but her real age is unknown. She is living in a small log cabin near by a different village and sometimes visits there. She goes there for food or if they need her help.
Personally(Update later) When she first is seen she seems to be a curious one since she don't attack people when she first meet them. She knows enemies when she sees them. She is very careful who she is talking to and with but the only people she don't know and can't read well is Sesshomaru and Naraku. She is very protective with kids and she is willing to kill anyone who tries to hurt them or her.
Physical desecration Like Inuyasha and Sesshōmaru, Honoka has a thick mane of temple-length silver-white hair with short bangs, golden eyes with slit-like pupils, claws on each digit, and short fangs in her mouth. Her ears are furry and pointed like those of a dog. She also has slightly tanned skin, and his nose, despite appearing normal, is always damp unless she caught a cold, in which case it dries out. She carries a Yōkai sword but it's unknown what it does. But by the looks of it, the blade seems rather dull and can't cut, the handle haves a minty green color with a light blue wrapping and a bell attached on the end of the handle. The sheath it's self is also a minty green with a black ribbon tied around it. She also seems to wear the same beads of subjugation like Inuyasha is.
Honoka normally wears a Monk Suit Buddhist Robe of the Fire-Rat, when going to the village she wears a fur cloak with a basket on her shoulders and a straw hat to hide her ears. She is always seen barefoot.
When she assumes human form, Honoka's demonic claws and fangs, as well as her dog ears, disappear. Her silver-white hair changes to black, his golden eye color changes to Icy blue, and her dog ears are replaced by human ears appearing on the sides of her head.
In her demonic form, Honoka's dog demon features resemble like Inuyasha and Sesshōmaru. When transformed as such, Honoka's sclera turned deep red, her irises became teal slits with white pupils, jagged purple stripes appeared on her cheeks, and her fangs and claws lengthened.
Extra •The triggering word for the beads of subjugation is Heel when Naraku puts them back on her. It said that before her adopted family died they removed the beads that way she can get a new commander to keep her in check, Naraku just so happened to find the beads and then it was put back on her.
•Can can not only heal herself but others too if she stays focused enought, it also leaves her open.
•Sometimes Naraku calls her Azumi.
•The cloths she wears is actually called Shaolin Monk Suit Buddhist Robe Kung fu Uniform Tai chi Martial arts Clothes. If you wish to look it up you can!