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Hair Color Brown with blond streaks
Eye Color Brown
Skin Color White
Chronilogical and Political Information Masters Luke Skywalker(Formal) Master Leia(Currently/Formal)
Occupation Republican Spy Kylo Ren's bodyguard
Biography She is seen to fallow Ben around but she's a spy for the Rebellions and a Jedi in secret. The only a few people knows she's a Jedi is Princess Lea, Ben and Ray. She knows that Ben Solo isn't a bad person, she knows he is just lost and she knows it's not to late for him to change sides from being a sin to a Jedi. So she always tries to reason with him that he don't have to be this way.
Appearance She is a well build white woman with brown eyes and brown with blond streaks. She keeps her hair very short so that it won't get in her face or get caught by something, her lightsaber is held on the right side due to being a left handed. She will have all black clothing as her spy cloths but she is mostly seen to wear a black hooded cloak. She does a scar on her right cheek and down to her jawline. She also wears a black Jedi cloak to keep herself from getting caught in the darkness. She would also have a Seeker Droid(look up ID10 Seeker Droid in the Wikipedia to see and read what it is.), There will be stealing's around her arms and a flat gray light metal landing pad for the droid to latch onto on her back, kinda like a pack bag.
Personality and traits She takes her job seriously and won't fail her Jedi ancestors and the Republicans. Most of the times she's calm and collected and hard to understand and hard to read. No knows why she is so mysterious and secretive, not even Luke Skywalker knows but he knows she is a Jedi.
Powers and abilities Lightsaber abilities She is very skilled with her lightsaber, the handle is lighter then any other lightsaber is. The color of the lightsaber is Violet.
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Force Her force is very strong and under control. When Ben tries to force choke her, she manages to hold it but since Ben is stronger she can only hold it for at least a minute or longer, it depends on how much force power he puts. But other then Ben can out force her she is very strong with that. But for some unknown reason she does have some dark in her force that Kylo Ren does try to take out. But due to being trained by Lia she haves more light then dark but it domes sometimes slip out when angers.
Other abilities pilot She seems to know how to pilot any small vehicles. The only vehicles she can't ride are the big or huge ones, she rather be able to control it better when she don't have to worry about timing the turning right for huge ones.
hand-to-hand While she was with Luke he shows her the old way of Hand-to-Hand combat when he was a Jedi and still younger. But when she is with Ben, sometimes he will show her how to do his way of doing hand-to hand combat.
language Binary She can understand Binary language(aka Droidspeak), no matter what droid it's from she will be able to translate it for that person. She can tell what there saying and how they feeling.