Tools ↬Prayer seal necklace ↬Samurai sword Umbrella ↬Samurai wakizashi
Appearance ↬Akari is a young woman that is about five inches shorter then Benimaru, she haves dark blue hair that is super short like a boys cut. Her eyes are orange and when activated it turns reddish orange like fire. She wears a Prayers beads necklace along with healing crystals beads that comes with a Skeleton key, they beads to be a crimson red color. She normally wears a serious look on her face. Akari's outfit contains a black T-Shirt, a light grey kimono upper-garment, and the Special Fire Force trousers with her dark boots. When not attending a mission, Akari is seen wearing a gray t-shirt underneath a black samurai-styled hakama, with a red strap around the waist acting as a belt and black boots. Akari is later seen wearing a black shirt underneath a grey kimono upper-garment with the Special Fire Brigade uniform trousers and black boots.
Personality ↬She always wears a poker face and don't show a lot of emotions at all. But the truth to be told she's just hiding her emotions, scared that if she gets close to someone they will turn infernal and she will have to kill them. Due to being "part" of the Shinmon family she also picked up being serious. She secretly have a playful side of her too. When no one is around or at night time, sometimes she asks Benimaru if they can fly around on his Matoi. Ever Since she lost her home she would hold back but try to kill the infernals quick so none of the houses or other places get destroyed. But mainly for the people's safety too, but not only for the people but for the kids too. She wanted the kids to have a safe place to play and feel like they are safe. She don't want there smile and laughter to disappear. She rather works with someone she knows, but if she have to work with someone that's new or that don't know her she will do it. But she cant promise that she won't be harsh at them.
Backstory ↬Benimaru and Akari known watch other when they were kids. Everyone knows the Ogawa clan but they never knew what happened. When the child turns 5 years old they have to be a test subject to see if the seal will work. She was one of the lucky kids who didn't turned. She had the seal on her while the bug bit her. She was a test subject for the seal to see if it worked. But there is a risk, once the seal is removed she will turn infernal. But then one day her whole clan turned into infernals, being the survived and the only Ogawa alive. Akari was adopted along sided with Benimaru by Hibachi as a favor for her clan to help him kill the infernals. She only accepted to be his guarden but not to be part of the Shinmon family, so she's a student that happens to live with them. One day two people turned infernal. So Benimaru and Akari has to split up to deal with them. She was doing good till the infernal somehow got the upper hand and then it started to beat her as it grabbed the prayer beads and then removed it. Benimaru finished his infernal but when he went to check on Akari he sees that she is on the ground without her seal! But he have to deal with the Infernal first, but while Benimaru was fighting the infernal, Konro found the necklace then quickly puts it on her before she could've gon infernal completely. While Benimaru goes to deal with the infernals. When the infernal was dealt with Benimaru quickly went off looking for her. After finding out she will have to be in a coma-like state it upsets both the older males knowing they broke a promise to there teacher that they would've kept her safe. While Benimaru is dealing with things around town and infernals, Konaro, Hikage and Hinata were taking care of her while she's still in the deep sleep. Three months passed by and she's still asleep, but during the night time, Akari slowly started to wake up and then looks around the room. Seeing the four sleeping around her keeping her safe from any harm.
Abilities Ignition Name ↬Blazing Strike
Overheat Rate ↬Low-medium
Description ↬Once She draws a sword that haves a black steel blade then she can transfers her flames to the blade making verity of shapes and sizes. The smaller the size the lower Overheat will be, but if the weapon she uses then she will have to use more power to make it bigger. The bigger it is the more likely she will overhead.
Weakness ↬Other then 2nd Generation pyrokinesis who can control her flames she can sometimes get frustrated casing her to over use her power and easily get overheated. It can cause mostly her get very tired or lightheaded enough where she looks like she's a drunk person.
Special Move Fury blades This allows her to transfer her flames to the blade and then she slashed the air making the flames fly out but still taking shape of the slash she made. This also allow her to run and sneak behind her opponent as they are distracted allowing her to lash at them without them knowing. But this attack will make her run out of oxygen quicker so she would have to time it right to make the hits count. This attack could do double if the opposite can't block off the slashes.