Family Pearl(Great-Great-Grandmother✝️) Unamed Great Grandmother(✝️) Birtha(Grandmother;Alive) Unname mother(✝️) Unamed Father(Unknown) Neon Rain(little brother;twin brother to Zen) Zen Rain(Little brother;twin brother to Neon) Jotaro Kujo(Boyfriend/Husband)
Favorite color Any dark color
Appearance She wears a gray shirt with a black overalls that haves long paints, white socks and black shoes. White wrappings around her fingers to her forearms to protect herself front getting any scrapes, splinters, ect. She haves a blue bandanna tied around her upper right arm, white bandage around her left upper leg and she carries around a butterfly knife and a pen that haves a secret knife hidden in it when she needs it.
In part 4 she wears a gray hooded sweater with black overalls that have long pant legs at the end but ya folded above her ankle. She will have boxer like bandages around her fingers and wrists as it goes half way up to her arms(covering her four arms but below her elbows) her shoes are white with black on the top of the shoes and behind her shoes. She does still have the same weapons on her. Her knife is in her front pocket as the pen is clipped to the side of the top of her overalls(close to her clip straps), she is also seen to wear a gray trucker hat that haves a net at the back of her hat. she also wears black fingerless gloves and a mask for cold days so she won't grown sick.
Personality She is a openminded person that will tell everyone straight up how she thinks or fells about. The only time she goes quite is when she is in deep though, bothered by something or grown sick. She rather keep her past hidden from others and don't want to talk about what happened to her Great-Great-Grandmother, she will know that the group would make them targets if they found out. But one thing for sure that she can't keep it a secret for long. When it comes to her twin brothers she gets violent and aggressive when they are in some kind of danger, but she's a lot more aggressive and violent with Dio due to what he did to her Great-Great-Grandmother years ago, she is willing to make risky chooses and jump into fights if it makes her stronger so she will get her revenge.
In Part 4 when she is working and traveling with Jotaro Kujo she started to understand things and knowing that not all things will have to always be violent, she a lot more calmer and collected before. She can see understand into people's body language and know there personality just by sensing them aura. She can still get off guard with people who can out speed her and if there strength is stronger then hers she can get hurt savorily. She does not fell but if she's attacked more then ten times she can start the pain making her wide open for opponents to get her. She also fallows Jotaro's orders only since she's very stubborn who she rather listens to, she is strong over all but she also have weaknesses. When her little brothers we off to there own lives they did shown her how to heal others with Hamon. She does have her hothead moments, she don't really care if you insult her but if you threaten or insult Jotaro anyway you have another thing coming. On cold days she always seems to have random moments when she wears a mask on her face to make sure she don't get flu. In cold weather she can easily get sick.
Backstory Not much is said but she told the group that her Great-Great-Grandmother acted like she fell in love with Dio to only live but then she found a way to escaped and got away. The thing is Dio feel in love with her but he knew she is married with a different man and she was pregnant. When she got away she told her husband once the baby is born he must take the baby and move somewhere safe. He didn't want to do that but she knew that he will kill them both. When Dio found her she was killed by him.
She is currently homeless with her twin little brothers. She pretty much travels around the world to find a place to call home, but right now she is keep on moving to make sure Dio don't find her and her twin brothers. She is a street fighter you don't want to mess with and she is very protective with her siblings. She knows that Dio loves her and willing to do anything to take her away from anyone.(unless your oc haves a crush on Diothen the reason why he's after her is for her blood.)
Ripple Alice told Joseph that her grandmother taught her and the twins Ripple as the three trained hard to master it. The boys is seen to use ripple for healing others and themselves, it's Unknown what Alice uses for Ripple. But later on she did shown the group that she cause use a Overdrive but she calls it "Stooting Star Overdrive", how this works is once she breaths enough air she can transfer it to her feet then she will have undetected speed but once she is in the air the opponent haves time to move away before she comes back down for a powerful kick.
In Part 4 she is seen to use her signature Hamon but she is seen to use her healing ability more. She still have her time limits like her brothers for it. All she can last for healing is ten minutes and she can heal punctured organs but let's say someone got shot throw the heart, head, ect she can't save them and bring them back to life.
Sharp senses Senses sharpens the any human, her eyesight, hearing and sense or smell will be much sharper. Her speed increases much faster like a snow leopard. She is well known to Camouflage, like she will be there but then one moment she isn't there anymore. Then when your least expecting it she will reappear without any sound. But during her cool down she won't be able to use them long enough.
Hand to hand combat Her hand to hand combat is well known and she never loses to any fight. She can even disarm people who tried to have the avatige. But what she knows she isn't as strong as DIO and Jotaro, but that don't stop her trying to get stronger then them.
Annualize When she isn't fighting, she likes to annualize her opponents and see what she can learn about them. At times she will do that without knowing it but she can also read someone just by looking at them or listen how they talk or act.
Blades She seems to be an expert on small knifes. She likes to have control over her attacks and rather not miss hitting her opponents when fighting.
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