Nickname Hoshi(Star in Japanese)[Yoru only] Little Star(Mother) Omen Jr and Chamber Jr(Phoenix) Traitor(Formerly)[Team] Test subject #001 (Father)
Origin Italy
Race Radiant
Gender Female
Age 18+
Love Interest Kiritani "Yoru" Ryo
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Affiliation(s) Valorant Protocol
Code Name Ghost
Role Duelist
Voice Clame
Appearance Rina haves white skin and she seems skinny yet semi-built body. She haves some scars on her body that are covered. Whipe marks on her back, burn marks that turned into scars on her. Her short black hair haves some white at the bottom, shown a style of a peekaboo style style. She even haves Cornflower blue eyes
In her Valorant uniform she wears a camo hoodie that haves a vest on her chest area that haves some bags on them. It comes with a same camo cargo paints and two bigger bags that is hooked onto her paints as well. Military boots that protects her feet and it also provents her from hurting her ankle when moving. Rina also wears a helmet that haves a net over her whole head to allow her blend in. Black gloves as well.
In her day off she wears a gray dress with flower designs on them and black leggings that goes with her black shoes. She even haves a white crystal star that Yoru given her as a birthday gift since she never gotten one when she was being a test subject. After the team heard and watches her leave that's when Brimstone waits and told the whole team what's going on.
Personality Rina is a stubborn woman why don't back down when things don't go as she wants to be. She tends to argue with the team if they think that her plan won't work. But she does really care about the team deeply, she just thinks that her plan would always work and protect them. But we all know not everyone's plans work and it can get them hurt or killed. It's also clearly shown that she really cares about the team. But the two people she loves the most and protective the most is Yoru and her mother.
Rina's over all personality is the fact that she loves the team like they are her own family. She's willing to do anything to keep them safe from danger. When ever her father used Yoru as leverage she brakes down. Even though she didn't tell the team what was going on and kinda betrayed them it did taken them a while for them to trust her and that does hurt her. But what hurts the most is that it taken Yoru much longer to not only trust her but love her again.
Profile When Rina was born she was forced to be tested due to being a Radiant. As the years go buy she rarely get to see her mother. But she does try to spend as much time as she can. Then at the age of thirteen Rina promised her mom that she will get her and the mom out safely. Years passed and that's when her father finds out the counterparts existed, he used this as his advantage and told Rina to do what he says and do then he will make sure she will never see her mother again, Rina loves her mother to deeply so she was told to go and work at the Valorant Prologue and get there information to him so that he can send them to the Omega team. Things was going smooth but that's when Brimstone, Sage and Viper catches her stealing their information. Before Viper could kill Rina Brimstone lets her explain why she's doing this. When she explained what the real problem is he understands why she haves too but she can't do that so he haves a plan of his own, The four made a deal to not tell the others just for their safety. So she had to play double agent for both sides but her true loyal is with the Alpha. While he goes to talk to Killjoy Rina goes talk to her counter part to make a deal to help her save her mother if anything happens to her. Ω-Rina agrees but only if Ω-Yoru can join in as well. While this one and only deal they both agreed, The only reasoning that Ω-Rina agreed to help is because she lost her mother and Ω-Rina didn't want Rina To go throw the same thing.
After a few years of waiting that's when Rina was taken but then her father told the whole team what she really was doing and she got the information they need for the Omega team. Little did the others knows is that Killjoy created a virus in a chip that looks exactly the same. The chip she used and got all the information is with Brimstone in a safe place. After the team, Ω-Rina and Ω-Yoru helped them save Rina and her mother the outcome of her being a traitor still affects them, but it affect Yoru the most where it taken him longer to trust and love Rina again.
Abilities Shadow Born Rina uses a smoke granade that she throws forwards ether a short range or long rage throw, it would make a small explosion that will causes a smoke bubble so people cant see through it, it would last 8 seconds.
Ghostly Night The thicker pouch she carries is thrown that would causes a circle of hands to appear from the ground scratching and digging, molly affect would last 7 seconds.
Phantom mode Rina channel the power into her body going through walls would cause a lot of noise.
Ultimate Move: Apparition Shot This allows Rina to channel her inner ghost, using her undead energy she start to sense the living enemies around her seeing a faint aura of where she where a second ago, she's only allowed in a 30 meters, last 9 seconds. This allows her to reload faster and shoot faster along with a wall bag so let's hope you aren't close by.
Equipments Knife This is her hand held knife she uses when in hand to hand combat, she seems to be at best in this.
Glock 19X/G45 She is skilled with a gun but it's not as good as her knife skill/hand to hand combat. But she's well enough to do headshots and long distances.
USB Locket At first she had a chip that have the Alpha's information that the Omega team needed, but later on Killjoy created a virus that will fry the system so she replaced it with the virus chip instead.