Appearance Luna is a semi-built female with a sandy like skin color. As for clothing? She wears a black tactical hooded jacket that goes with a black multi pocket cargo pants. It comes with a Cyberpunk glasses that seems to scan the area along with can disappear when she turns it off and on the right side of her ear there is an earpiece with it and a speaker that goes to her mouth. Luna seems to wear a medal mask to cover the lower half of her face. She wears two black wrapped boots that goes up to her legs and a Techwear utility belt with punches to carry her tools she needs for the mission and a gun holster. She also haves fingerless gloves that's also an arm sleeves that's goes up close to her armpit, with that she wears two different bracelets. One is a white small bracelet that looks mechanical, on the right of her wrist seems more bulky and it seems to be like a small computer but when it's on a computer screen pops out from it. Luna is seen to always haves this black small backpack with light blue straps onto it. In one of the utility belt she haves a Butterfly knife. In her hunt holster on her belt haves one FN Five Seven Hi-Velocity Pistol and she Carrie's a "Snowy Owl" Sniper Rifle Wouter Kroon around her chest area. In one of the pockets she carrys some small black square and some small white square with her.
Personality There isn't much to know about Luna since Chamber found her in a lab. She use to be a non-radiant person but just like Omen she's a survivor and was forced to be a radiant, so when someone suddenly touch er without saying something she gets jumpy and will attack you. She's also seem to stay quiet but she will speak when she wants.Even though she is white and born in the USA she's is fluent to French.
When it comes to missions she takes her job as a healer seriously and will make sure that they come back alive. When Chamber says "Es-tu prêt?" (Are you ready?) to make sure that Luna's mind isn't else where. When he ask "Finissons-en, d'accord?" (Let's finish this shall we?) and they both know they have to make it quick for there mission when things don't go as planned. That means when saying that that's when her fighting style changes from healing to backing up.
Profile While Chamber was at Santa Fe County, New Mexico Luna was in a lab to make humans into Radiants. She's been he lab ever since she was only nine years old and not know what her childhood was like so she was trained to listen to commands and not talk nor fight back, she's been like this for years on end. That's when Chamber managed to get her out with ease and takes her with him to keep her safe after finding out out of the bodies he have seen that were like lab rats she's a surviver of the bunch. When they both got into the agency they lied about Luna being a radiant tech-user like chamber.
Abilities Healing She haves the ability to heal others with the white cubes she carry's with her. This allows her to heal people that don't have to be close by with her. But if she haves to heal by person then it takes about five minutes for her to heal then she haves to stop due to it draining her out sometimes.
Teleportation With her having the black cubes she uses those to teleport herself to where ever the other cube is located at, it haves a longer range than Chambers but it haves a one minute cool down after use before it can be reused.
Shielding🔒 This shielding is actually something she don't know how to control so well. It would always show up on the either the wrong time or the right time. She finds it difficult for her to get use to a new ability that just came up. So she tries to not use it but due to it always popping up on its own she finds it hard to keep it under control.
Equipments Tech glasses This is a built in map for her where she can pin point where her team is and even it's connected to Cypher's cameras and the help with Raze's electronic smarts and Killjoy's she can even see where her targets are located at. This also haves a microphone on her right side to talk to her team and tell them where they located.
Mask This mask haves many uses but this was made to keep herself from inhaling Viper's poisonous gas and getting herself killed by it. But this also now only breathable but when she's hiding it can hide her breathing as well so it would be hard to know if she's breathing unless you watch her chest and stomach rising and lowering.
Utility Belt This belt allows her to carry not only the tools she needs along with the gun she Carrie's when she needs to do a quick draw. She even Carrie's some medicine that she might need for a quick healing and a pocket that is haves most of the first aid things.
Bracelets The white thinner bracelet is located on her left wrist and this allows her to heal those that needs it either by physically touch or if her teammate needs it and they have the white cube then this will heal them. The black bulky one that's located onto her right allows her to check on her teammate's health, conditions and even location to make sure they don't need her help.
Cubes The white cubes allows her to heal those that needs it and when she isn't close by to heal physically, it does have a one minute and thirty seconds cooldown. The small black cube allows her to teleport her when they need her assistance and fast.
Butterfly knife This is her choose hand to hand combat blade. She finds this faster to pull out and quick to use, it all black.
Snow Owl SSS (Silent Sniper Riper) This Sniper Rifle was made by Chamber himself so it functions like his as well. With his special training and long hours of practice she almost to his level.
FN Five Seven Hi-Velocity Pistol This pistol is also created by Chamber but this one is more silent, like others would think she haves a silencer on but she don't. It's a built in silencer yet it looks like a normal gun.