Family Kate Nelson(Mother;✝️) Eren Nelson(Step father;Alive) Jacob Gray(Younger brother;Alive) Rosie Nelson(Baby sister;✝️) Steven Roberts(Grandfather;✝️)
Love Interest Zak Bagans
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Backup Love Interest Aaron Goodwin
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Relationship states Crushing/Dating(depends on the rp)
Personality Fae is a very energetic and happy to go woman who don't get scared as easily unless she sees her fears about to happen. Her fears are heights, thunderstorms and small places. She does have a touchy subject about her mother's and sister's death and when she feels a sudden anger or sad emotion from a spirit she will start to zone out and then starting to cry heavily without an explanation.
Appearance Fae is a short and skinny woman with white skin. She has Irish blue eyes and a dirty blond hair along with a scar on her left form arm and sometimes seen to be with her black cat Nightwing. Her casual cloths is a gray sweater with a gray beanie, black glasses with transmissions, blue jeans, and running shoes. Her warmer cloths is the same sweater but she will have a black scarf and black gloves with hiking boots. For winter she wears a cowboy style jacket with the same things on(scarf, gloves, beanie, bucking boots) and she wears snowpaints to keep her legs warm. She also wears earmuffs to keep her ears warm. The scarf covers the lower half of her face to keep herself warm as her glasses not to fog up. Her cat will have warm cat cloths on along with snow boots for his paws. She is also seem to wear dog tags that her brother given to her when he got new ones from the Air Force, she also has a old weeding ring her grandfather given to her before his death.
Other •She brings her black cat Nightsky with her in some ghost investigatings.
•Nightwing has a chest color along with a leash, her color is neon orange with reflectors so they can see where she is at.
•When taken Nightwing will show singles with sound or body language. Growling, hissing, back arched with her tail fluffled out shows there's a bad spirit close by, she will run off when there's a dangerous spirit in the room, when she is left alone and there a good spirit she will purr, relax in something and meow.
•The only time she can't bring Nightwing is in super cold weathers, owner don't allow them, owner allergic to cats and dangerous structures.
•Fae can understand the spirit's feeling. She can also tell the group there gender, name and age. At times she can point where the spirit are and what ther favorite area they love to hang out. Sometimes but not a lot she can even tell them how they died.
•The Crystal she swears is a baby blue just like her eyes. Her grandpa's spirit is attached to it so where ever she goes he does too. Who ever haves the crystal with them there protected by him. At times he will warn the team that she or the team are in danger.