Also known as Kuro Tora(to morgana) Hotaru-san(to Akira/Gora)
Japanese name ほたる たしお
Affiliation Phantom thieves of hearts transfer student of Shujin Academy
Date of birth June 15th
Age 16-17
Love Interest Akira Kurusu(Aka Joker)
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Height 5'3
Meele weapon Hidden blade
Range weapon Beretta APX semi Auto Pistol
Persona Cerberus
"I'm tired of being your genie pig....I never reached out for help cause you told me no one cares about me just like no one cared of about my mother. It's you who given up on her and on me!"-Finding out the truth about her mother's death
"So you finally seek help? You knew for a long time you needed it. Now let's make them the prey and forge the contract. I am Thou, Thou art I. Thou not be held back by the shackles of your past. Break free and let the world witness your Resolve and your rebellion!" -Her person being summoned
"With this power I can finally help not only myself but others also! This time I'm not running way from my problems!" -After her sommoning
Appearance Suki would have Black short hair with black eyes that can be cold and stone like if you make her mad. She wears the boys uniform over all the girls, she wears the same bags too. Inside the bag is a knife and a gun for safety reasons. She is more comfortable with boys sence it shows less. In her everyday cloths she wears White T-Shirt with a gray hodded jacket, black coat, blue jeans along with white socks and black shoes. Sometimes she will have padding and banges on her face, arms and hands. In the metoverse her cloths is assassin creed like along with a black onesie and a black tail. Her mask is cat like with silver markings on it, on her wrist is a hidden blade and she has a pistol hidden inside the cloths.
Personality When she first got transfered to the school (deponds on the crush she has) a lot of people look at her as a troubled kid and don't love life in general so she brakes the rules and does things on her own. She starts fights if anyone messes with her. She was cold hearted and disrespectful to people and adults/teachers. She has trusting issues and will not let others get to close to her. But she is very smart when it comes to doing sneaky stuff like spying. Later on in the school (when she is a phantom thief and with her crush) she seems to change abit. She seems less stressed out and relaxed. But she is also shy and timid when she is new places and trying new things so it will take her a while. She will keep herself muted and hides behind her friends or other people she can trust.