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Personally Due to being taken away from her family she is a very aggressive person you don't want to make her mad. She is rather quite and won't speak unless she is ordered too or knows you well enough. She don't really show much emotions but she does shows she is always there for others no matter what happens. Once she opens up alittle she tends to be alittle body or rude when she don't mean to. But she is a caring and loving person. When she first meets Èlise she never trusted this girl in the first place. Not only she hurt Arno but she is also a Templar. She was also jelouse that he loved Èlise and not her so she is always stays close to him to try to win him.
Appearance Her uniform is black and dark red in them. Her vest she wears will be gray along with a dark red shirt. She wears a dual hidden blade and a small bow that is attached to it. She wears a cross around her neck. She has brown hair and icy blue eyes. She is maybe small and skinny but she is well built and a great runner.
Biography she was taken away from her family by the Templar's as a slave. They treated her badly, abused her and she was once raped when she was 10 years old. When she was about 18 an assassin sees her being slaves over and treated wrong so he went back to his hideout and told his leaders what he have discovered. He got direct orders to save the woman and bring her to them. It's been years since she has been in the assassin. She wanted to know her family but finds no clues or trace. She has given up trying then seated to kill any Templar that tries to take kids away from there family cause she don't want them to suffer like she did in her child hood.
Equipment and Skills Hidden blades She is a master with blades and very skilled with them. Sometimes she can make her own moves with them.
Hunting She is decent with the hunting. She can track down the animal and then hide. If she is under pressure then she will mess up and not get her shoot.
Freerunner She is an advanced free runner, she can make sharp turns and hide a lot quicker then other assassins can't. He does have a limit how lon and far she does run.
Eagle Vision She has a rare power that she can tell things by color and witch way they went. Red means they are enemies, blue means they are allies and yellow means that they are the target.
Pickpocket She is decent with pickpocket, as long as she isn't pressured or timed. She will sometimes get cough if she isn't hidden.
Lockpick She is advanced with lockpicking. Again as she isn't pressured or timed then she can get it do it a lot quicker then anyone can do. She was tough by Anro himself and then she kept practicing with it.
Weaponry She is only goods the small weapons and not the heavy or long blades. She like it when she swings her small weapon. But when she swings the heavy or long she won't have full control over where she can swings