Jujutsu Kaisen #3

37 3 1

Biographical Information

➥Kano Fueki

Kanji Name

Personal Description


➥4th August 1991



Love Interest
➥ Kento Nanami

Love Interest ➥ Kento Nanami

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➥6'2 ft(187 cm)

Hair Color
➥Coatline Blue

Eye Color
➥Whiteish Gray(Blind)



➥Jujutsu Sorcerer

➥Grade 1
➥Special Grade(Binding Vow activated)

➥ Kano is a female with a hourglass body with sandy skin color to it. Due to being blind her eye colors are whiteish gray. She does have nice wavy Costline Blue hair. She always seems to carry a red cat carrier backpack with her black cat inside of it. She also haves a blind stick to help her around places.

➥ Most people would call her Jr due to her civil cloths she wears. She wears the same blue button down shirt with a black Sleeveless sweater that also goes with a black tie but haves the same spots pattern as Kento's but they are yellow. Black flat shoes with white socks and black dress paints. It's almost like Kento's but the colors switched.

➥ Her Jujutsu High uniform is the same as everyone else's. It's an all-black high-necked jacket with matching pants and dark dress boots with the same backpack on. For her curse weapon she Carrie's a staff as her blind stick yet on the top there is a hidden blade for self defense if needed. She also haves a six hole flute with a clear gemstone on it.

➥ When Kento left Jujutsu High after graduation Kano felt alone and behind. Even after all these years they been together she felt like that he would forget about her and carry on his normal life without her. So she started to work harder to not only protect the innocent people but now Kento as well.

➥ Kano feels insecure about herself due to her blindness, she always felt like she wasn't strong enough due to that disability and might replace her cause of her blindness. She is very caring about everyone around her and always landing a hand when they need it the most. Kano thinks she's weak due to her blindness and her ability but if someone she knows or cares about is badly hurt then she gets all serious and will do everything in her energy and power to defend them and kill off her target. depended on others a lot because she can't do a lot of thing on her own so she does ask for help.

Abilities & Powers
➥ Enhanced Senses
➥Advanced Hand to Hand Combat
➥ Sightless self defense
➥Advanced Blade skills

➥ Catastrophe
➥Three Sub-Tech
➥Domain Expiation

➥Wooden Flute with a Gemstone
➥Staff with a hidden blade
➥White Promise Ring
➥Wooden sword

Equipment➥Wooden Flute with a Gemstone   ➥Staff with a hidden blade➥White Promise Ring➥Wooden sword

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Curse ability

Ability Description
This curse ability allows her to control any cats that haves the same type of Curse Energy as her own. Eatch cat haves there own Gemstone onto there collar that is given by her. At first it will come clear but once she puts the collar on that's when it will change color. These cats helps her mainly in battle but she haves a main cat that helps her doing her living things.

Special Techniques
Sub-Tech 1:NightVision
This Sub-Tech allows her to use the cat's eyes for vision allowing her to see what's going on around her and where her enemy is.

Sub-Tech 2:Upgrade
This ability can be used only two times every three days., this Sub-tech allows her to make her cats bigger and stronger.

Sub-Tech 3:Hide 'n' Seek
She uses this ability to hunt, spying or search for her Allies or enemies, this Sub-Tech letting the cats roam through shadows.

Domain Expansion: Feline's Ally Den
It would appear like a black void with a single moon above shining down like a streetlight down on them. From the void a lot of cat eyes would stare at them before jumping the victim. The victim is being piner down by the huge sharp claws of the cats while they rip the person apart devouring as much as cursed energy as they can until the person dies. The course energy that the cats devour come to her in compensation for the domain expansion energy usage.

Binding Vows/Heavenly Restrictions
Binding Vow 1:Unbroken Bond
This Binding Vow allows Kano and Kento Nanami to boost there Curse Energy. This allows them to go from Grade 1 to Special Grade once the ring is on, they can't use 100% of their Curse Energy unless they're both wearing their rings. Though to down fall is if one of them removes the ring then it will deactivate, it's a one way boost before it haves to recharge. They must trust each other at 100% or else i can't work! There rule for this Vow is they can't activate it spontaneously, they have to plan it before the mission to match the timing.

➥The main cat that she carries with her is name is Hai witch means Ashes in English.

➥ Kano sleeps with a stuffed cat that seems to be her comfort item since Kento Nanami given it to her as a birthday gift.

➥Kano really enjoys peaches on days where she can relax or on hot days like summer.

➥The wooden sword she carry's haves the blade part gone and most would say it's useless but she can use her curse energy to make the blade part of the sword, it's said that she don't use this sword but she also uses Black Flash for it mostly to make things quick.

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