General Information Country USA(Birth place) Japan/Russian(Currently) Note:Depends on the rp were the championship happens
Gender Female
Birthday May 1st 1988
Age 26(First shown) 27(Currently)
Height 160cm(5'3)
Family Jacob Bell(Father;Alive) Luna Bell(Mother;✝️) Leo Bell(Big brother; Alive)
Couches Jacob Bell Leo Bell
Friend(s) Your oc Note: Your oc can be a friend if you wished too.
Enemy/Rival Your Oc Note: As for your Oc they can be rivals if they live in the USA as well if you like)
Partners Leo Victor
Love Interest Victor Nikiforov
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Solo song
Duet Song(Victor and Julie)
Hair color Dark blue
Eye color Baby blue
Backgrounds Like any other skaters she started doing it when she was at least 10 years old then she won three woman free skating championships in a row. But after her mother's death from heart cancer she stopped asking for atleast a year and a half, but she knew deep down her mother didn't want her to see her like this so she asked Jacob Bell and Leo Bell(father and brother)to retrain her again! What she didn't know is both of them are retired skaters themselves so they both agreed and helps her out. She is now a USA champion for woman's. As some years went by Julia use to date a guy but he cheated on her so she is not only picky who she wants to date but also don't really enjoy it.