Personal states Family Mother (✝️) Father(✝️) Hiroku(Brother;Alive)
Workers Mira and towa (boss;✝️) Dabura(co-boss;✝️)
Love Interest Fu
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Appearance Suki is a slim yet well-built young woman of below average height and light skin-color; her facial features and skin-tone are inherited from his father and mother. She has black eyes, and black short hair. She also has a brown saiyan tail sence she was born with it.
Kora seems to wear the same Gi like Goku's but it's a different color. It's black with a yellow belt strap around her waist, yellow wrist bands and black paints. Her shoes are also yellow. She seen to carry a packbag with a scouter on her ear and a sword stripped on her waist like Fu. The sword is the same as his.
When is doing mechanic things she wears a jumpsuit that is gray, has a metal tool pack bag along with claws. She uses that to get the tools she needs, helps her or holds up the blueprints she uses. She is sometimes seen in this.
Personally Well sence she seen her brother kill everyone and everything front of her she started to develop aggressiveness and fear. When she is aggressive she tents to be brutal in her fights, she is pissed off easily and she will go to her Super saiyan form. When in fear she will freeze in place and shakes like a kid seen something that scared them really badly. When she first appears she serious about people interfering with her's and Fu's job. She hates the fast they always have to stop them. One of her pet peeves is always grabbing her tail or someone else. It's a weakness of corse but it does get very annoying to her. If someone talks down about her family then she will have a sudden bust of energy to beat you to a pulp. But over all she is a caring and sweet if you don't try to hurt he boss. She is mostly nicer towards Fu but she hates Mira and Towa along with Dabura.
Background I.WP
Abilities Flight The ability to take flight through the manipulation of ki.
Ki Blast The most basic form of energy attacks.
Meteor Crash charges at the opponent and side kicks them up into the air. Then, flies up and roundhouse punches the opponent away before flying and reappearing behind them to elbow them in the stomach as they turn around. Finally, attacks the opponent with a punching and kicking barrage and kicks them up into the air before kneeing them in their back and Double Axe Handle punching them down to the ground, inflicting a high amount of damage.
Burning Attack performs a series of rapid arm movement, ending with her arms crossed across the chest, before placing her palms forward with the thumbs and index fingers touching each other, forming a diamond shape. Then, she fires an energy sphere from her palms towards the opponent.
Kamehameha when cupped hands are drawn to the user's side and ki is concentrated into a single point (between their cupped hands). The hands are then thrust forward to shoot out a streaming, powerful beam of energy. The blast can also be used, generally under extenuating circumstances, with just one arm or even the feet. In most variants, the user utters the word "Ka-me-ha-me-HA!!!" as she charges and releases the attack.
Instant Kamehameha charges up for the Kamehameha up to, "Ka... me... ha... me..." Then, she uses the Instant Transmission to transport in front of the opponent while she is still charging the attack. Finally, saying the final syllable "...ha!", Kora fires the attack against the opponent, inflicting an enormous amount of damage. The attack requires enormous concentration on the part of the user, as the Instant Transmission technique must be performed without use of the normal concentration pose (placing the index and the middle fingers on the user's forehead), at the same time as gathering the enormous amount of ki required for the Kamehameha.
Afterimage Strike Like the regular Afterimage Technique, the Afterimage Strike involves the user moving quickly enough to create a false image of themselves, confusing the opponent and leaving them open to attack. However, the Afterimage Strike creates significantly higher numbers of illusory forms than the Afterimage Technique. Thus, while the Afterimage Technique is more of a reactionary defense used to catch opponents off-guard, the Afterimage Strike has more use as a means to create openings in an opponent's defense as a prelude to an offensive.
Super Saiyan an advanced transformation assumed by members and hybrids of the Saiyan race with sufficient amounts o S-Cells in the Dragon Ball franchise.Earthlings (of Saiyan heritage) can also assume the transformation by wishing to have their dormant Saiyan powers unlocked. She can transform into Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan 2. She's currently trying to unlock Super Saiyan God Blue.
Super Saiyan God Channel Godlike energy and gain strength that transcends mortal abilities! Her normal attacks are boosted greatly while in this form!
Super Saiyan Good Super Saiyan Transform into a Super Saiyan shrouded in divine energy! This forms gives Kora a massive power-up.