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Backup love interest ↬Takehisa Hinawa
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Family Mother ↬Sakura Kato✝️
Father ↬Hiroku Kato✝️
Younger Brother ↬Haku Kato
Grandmother ↬Suki Kato✝️
Grandfather ↬Akita Kato
Professional Status Affiliation ↬The Fire Defence Agency (Former) ↬Special Fire Force Company 8
Rank ↬First Class Fire Soldier
Tools ↬Fire Fighting Grenade ↬Seven-Style Fire Fighting Battleaxe ↬Special Shield
Appearance ↬Mizu is a young woman with a short lose black hair, she wears black-framed glasses that are framed on all top except the bottom with her light blue eyes along with a noticeable burnt scar under her right eye. Her body type is thin but she is a about medium built body(meaning she is fit but not that fit.) Those are later topped by a protective outer jacket, the buttons of which are in the shape of cross-like symbols, and a helmet. She also wears a neck protector, protective gloves and dark boots. Parts of her outfit are coated with blue lines. On the battlefield, she is seen carrying a plethora of different artillery. Other than this attire, she also wears an orange jumpsuit and dark shoes. Mizu's outfits contain patches with "8" on them, which signify her affiliation to the 8th Special Fire Brigade.
Personality ↬When she was a kid she use to always be a playful and happy child,always there for others and even brave enough to do a few risky things. But after seeing what happens to her mother, father and grandmother she started to develop Autophobia (Fear of left alone). This caused her leave the team temporarily. But came back when she realized they needed her in the team. Overall she learned to be both hard and soft at the same time. When out of duty she is always smiling and helping the team, eather with training, paperwork or cleaning. But when on field she will shut off her emotions to not show any fear and willing to risk her life to protect her team and the bright smiles the kids bring in the world. She will show her soft side to kids so they know that there are people looking out for them and there's always a hero they can look up to.
Backstory ↬At the age of 7 both her mother and father turned into Infernals! Her and her now little brother where hiding from them in total fear as she hears fire fighters outside and then someone called "the fire force" when they dealt with them they found her and her brother alive. She now had to live with her grandparents throw her life. But her dream and goal was to become a Fire Force, but she wanted to keep her Powers a secret from others so they won't think she's dangerous. At the age of 22 she got the job as a Fire Force Fire Defence Agency and now wanting to protect others from becoming Infernals, but as then she heard about Company 8 needed a team so she signed up to help them and now she is a First Class Fire Shoulder! Her dream came true but something happened. Another year passed as they get a call about a Infernal now active but she never expected it to be her grandmother! She never got the courage to put her grandmother down to peace but that action caused her to get hit and ending with a saver burnt mark on the bottom of her right eye. She allowed her Captain Akitaru Ōbi to do that for her and then ending up leaving the team for at least four months. The news came in as she saw a Company 8 fighting yet another Infernal but they seem to have trouble with it. She watches her team get beaten up as she can't take it any longer so she activated her inferno power and then runs there as fast as she can to help the team without any gear on. She did managed to put the Infernal to rest as she sighed then come back to the team but she did get an earful from Takehisa Hinawa.
Abilities Ignition Name ↬Blue Heal
Overheat Rate ↬Low
Description ↬ This Ignition a healing factor that allows Mitsu to use the Ace Banages and/or Gaze pads that helps her heal the people. Who every haves them on She can heal them as long as there not out of her denstance limit. The injuries she can quickly head are small like bruises, cuts, scrapes, ect. The one she will have problems healing are broken bones but she can reuse the pain. But you would have to make it quick cause she can't heal very long. The ones she cannot heal are deep gashes/stab wounds that are to deep for her to handle. She also haves the ability to fast regeneration, which is great for a character with supportive battle stance. Mitsu is a radius-based, This means she'll be the central core of a round, triangle or rectangle area of specific distance, and will have the ability to heal or auto-heal those in her area of pyro-vision or radar. Mitsu's cool down really depends on how long she uses it but she is mostly been seen to have a 1 hour cool down. She can heal up to 15 people at once before she could potentially overheat.
Weakness ↬other then oxygen is needed in her body to make it work. She haves a distance limit so if your not within the promoter then it won't work, this ability also could leave her open as she haves to keep herself focus.
Special Move Triple flame Heal ↬ When she reached her full potential There will be three different sized blue flame circles around another with her in the middle. Who ever steps in it she can instantly heal when activated. But this can also leave her open so she would need back up to keep her safe. This will need concentration to make it work.