Origin Assassin Creed lll/Rouge Note: depends on where the rp happens
Occupation Assassin
Family Mother;✝️ Father;✝️ lven Ave: Little brother, age 13, alive
Love Interest Haytham Kenway
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Personally She is a determined woman who takes 'No' as her answer. She never gives up on her missions and always finished them no matter what the cost is nor how long it will take. When she is in missions she always start out to look for any clues or any information she can get, once she then does she can start to pinpoint locations that she can look for her target, if she can't find it them in that location then she can find them in the other ones she might know. She don't trust a lot of people outside of her Brotherhood other then her little brother. If she sees Haytham then she will go after him and try to kill him after what he did but deep down she don't want to cause she loves the man for some reason.
Appearance She is a rather small woman about half of Haytham size. She has brown short hair and light blue eyes, she is a pale/white woman too. Her Assassin uniform is dark green with a gray undershirt, light green vest along with a dark green paints, and a white belt. She has double blades on both wrists.
Biography This one is a secret! If you gain her trust then she will tell you.
Equipment and Skills Stealth Her stealth is good but it's not her keen thing. She sometimes gives away we're she is at. But she is really good at it.
Swordsmanship She is skilled when it comes to bladed weapons. She isn't really good with long blades but she is still skilled with them.
Eavesdropping When it comes to listing she is decent with it. She will only stay long enough to get information. She does have a time limit till someone does realize she is listening to them.
Pickpocketing It's one of her Keen skills. She never get cough when she gets the things she needs or money.
Lockpicking Is one of her good skills she has when she or others are in danger and she needs to get out of a locked location.
Bow She uses this now to silently kill her targets or hunt. She is really good with it but one of her Keen skills.
Natural obstacles She is really good at this, she still needs some training to get it right. She sometimes gives away where she is at but she does get away and hide till her opponents are gone.
Swim She is unable to swim since she don't know how to and cause how light and small she is. She never likes body of water since she thinks that she will drown.
Firearms She is also unable to fire guns or other firearms. She isn't really into firearms. She always misses and she isn't great with moving targets
Combat Her hand to hand combat is also one of her Keen skills, she is always fighting in hand to hand when she is always in a fight. She will use her blades or her bow if needed.
Dual hidden blades This is her Keen blades she is skilled with. She is rather a short bladder then a long one but she always carries a extra just in case.
Sword She is decent with Swords even though there alittle to long for her to fight with since she don't have full control over it.
Dagger This is another short blades she is skilled with. She has full control over the small blades. She can easily swing and lash at people without any weight downs.
Eagle vision She has a rare power that she can tell things by color and witch way they went. Red means they are enemies, blue means they are allies and yellow means that they are the target.