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YouTuber Information Youtuber name AlphaGamer
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Genre •Let's play •Streaming
Let's play games •Mario Kart •Pro Warzone Player •Pokémon Go •Other Pokemon Games •Ghost Of Tsushima •Sleep Streams(Sometimes) •Rainbow Six Siege •FarCry 5 •Ghost Recon Brakepoint •Ghost Recon Wildlands
Subscribers 20 Million
Appearance Nora is a sandy short woman that looks more in the teens age but she's older then she looks. She haves platinum pixie cut hair, glasses that goes with her blue eyes. She's seen to wear a mask when going outside but it's unknown why she does. It desponds on the weather, the only same type of paints she wears are baggy paints. During the Spring and fall she wears a white polo shirt with a black sweater vest on. For summer she just wear normal t-shirts and a hat on as well. In winter she wears a sweater with gloves, zip up vest and a Bennie on.
Personality Nora is a really fun and funny woman you should hang around with, don't matter what type of group you're in she will instantly fit right in. She does like cracking jokes, sometimes become a sweat when it comes to gaming. But she haves a soft heart when it comes to people and animals that needs help. She's always a cat person and not much of a dog person. She would t cared what people say about her but she does still get hurt just like anyone else would but don't really show it unless alone. Nora is also a tomboy so you would see her hanging around with boys more then with girls.