Nickname Agent Smith(By Aaron "Hotch" Hotchner) Reid Jr(By David Rossi and Emily Prentiss) Duckling(By Penelope Garcia and Derek Morgan) Puzzle Solver(By Spencer Reid)
Gender Female
Sexuality Heterosexual
Birthday June 19th, 1975
Family Julia Walker(Mother;✝️) Robert Walker(Step father;Alive) Tyler Smith(Brother; Air Force;Alive) Rose Walker(Little sister;✝️) Unknown grandparents(✝️)
Love Interest Derek Morgan
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Job Profiler(Currently)
Rank Supervisory Special Agent
Specialty Rape Crime Undercover
States Alive
Face claim Amra Cerkezovic
Background When Ella Was born her biological father have left her, Julie and Tyler without saying anything. She and Tyler only had there mother to look up to even if she didn't have much time spending time with them, both kids knew that there Julie was only trying to support them the best of her ability. When Ella turned ten years old there mother brings in a man name Robert she was dating in the family now. When they got married things got worse. He was a heavy drinker and a family abuser. Ella was the main target since she was small and weak so he would've abused her both physically and mentally. At the age of thirteen she was kidnapped as she was only heading home after school, Tyler knew something wasn't right because she would've been home by now. The reason why he wasn't with her is cause he was home sick. Ella's been missing for at least three years being not only tortured but also raped. What she didn't know is that her mother and sister were killed by her step father, yet her brother is still alive due to being in the Air Force since eighteen. When she managed to get away after years of being missing a nice married couple taken her to the hospital and not only that but her case goes back up along with the BAU being called. The doctor found out she ended up having Type-1 Sensorineural hearing loss. After her case was solved she then goes to collage for a couple of years and now needed up working with the BAU.
Personality Ella is easily scared by touch since she can't hear anything and haves Athazagoraphobia(Fear of being forgotten) and Nyctophobia(Fear of the dark). This started when she was kidnapped for many years. When she got away, she wasn't to same girl since then. But she is a very sweet and caring woman since she knows how it feels to be broken and thrown around, Ella's over all personality is that she is maybe scared and jumpy along with her phobias she is a very understanding woman who can take too, she don't like it when people look down onto her and underestimate her just cause she's fragile and easily scared. Ella wants someone to look up to her one day. She does get nervous about meeting new place and going to new places. But she is always a tomboy so don't try to over power her, she will prove you wrong one day. She seems to be almost as smart as Spencer Reid when she wants to, her when it comes to fighting and field work that's when she steps it. When she gets into it she stands there starting at them like she's zoned out. It's proven that she actually haves a IQ 187.
Appearance Ella is about Derek's chest, she's maybe skinny and kinda short don't mean she isn't fit, she haves very short dirty blond hair, Blueish green eyes. she does wear a Hearing Aid ITE(In-The-Ear) since she finds that more comfortable and faster when she starts her day, but when they have to wear the ear peace she wears a small OTE (Out The Ear)Hearing Aid since it can connect to Bluetooth and she will be able to hear the orders and/or communications. She normally wears a club room man's v-neck sweater vest with tan paints. Sometimes Ella is seen to carry a profoilo type of journal so that she can take notes of things and the information that is important saved in there. Sometimes she is also seem to have her dog with her so that when she sleeps the dog will warn her. She is seen to do a book of word search or with a book to read.
Trivia •When Ella actually talks she can speak Spanish and Japanese but her main language is English. If she don't talk then she does sign Language.
•Ella been taking karate classes after what happened to her. She is currently a black belt.
•She haves a German Shepard name Brownie and a female Calico name Patches.