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Blood type AB-
Kekkei Genkai Ice Release
Occupation Akastuki Medical ninja
Nature type Wind Water
Personality She seems to friendly and like a mother to everyone but she does have a serious side of her you don't really want to cross. She does switch out her emotions depends how she is feeling or how pissed off she is, she don't mind cleaning and cooking for everyone. Also being doctor is something she is use to also.
Appearance Saku has a short black hair with Icy blue eyes. She worn a black shirt with a white fur hoodie, she has fiberless gloves on with white sock and boots. She also is seen to wear a icy blue crystal around her neck as well buts unknown to others, only she knows about it. She cries two short swords on her back that are strapped around her, a wrapping and a bag around her right leg with her weapons. As a member of Akatsuki, she wore the standard Akatsuki cloak. The cloak's high collar would cover her bottom face when zipped up all the way. Under her cloak she wore clothes similar to the rest of Akatsuki: mesh armour with navy accents under an identical T-shirt with a simple white belt around the waist and dark blue pants. She wore white nail polish on her fingers and toes.
Justus/Abilities Low Air Pressure Technique Description: This technique makes the air pressure in a room drop dramatically, causing anyone inside to fall asleep. It can only work in an enclosed area like a building or room
Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu This jutsu shapes a large amount of water into a giant, powerful dragon, which hits the opponent with formidable might, dealing physical damage. The ideal place to use it is near a body of water, but if the user's skill allows it, it is possible to use it even in a place where there is none. The amount of water used will be in proportion with the user's skill.
Ice Release: Wolf Fang Avalanche Technique After performing the needed handsigns, the user will cause nearby ice to take on the form of a hunting pack of white wolves. These wolves are completely controlled by the whim of the creator, and are capable of causing severe physical injury on their target, thanks to their speed and raw cold strength. This technique requires an existing supply of water or ice in order to form.
Spinning Shield of Winds Focusing on an area in front of them about 5 feet wide and across, the user dispels chakra to cause the wind to spin rapidly in a circular motion, creating something akin to a shield. Instead of deflecting attacks however the shield will reflect whatever was thrown at them back towards the enemy at the same speed it was fired at.
Water Prison Jutsu This jutsu is used to trap a victim inside a virtually inescapable sphere of water. The only downside to this technique is that the user must keep at least one arm inside the sphere at all times in order for the victim to remain imprisoned. This jutsu requires a sufficient amount of water, which can be provided by expelling it from one's mouth. Despite the fact that the prison is made up entirely out of water, it is stronger than steel as stated by Zabuza Momochi. Once trapped the target is unable to move while within it due to the heaviness of the water. Because of the density of the water it can be used, to a limited extent, for defensive purposes if performed on oneself.
Ice Release: Black Dragon Blizzard After performing the needed handsigns, the user will thrust forward their arm, gathering ice and water to their fist. In the same motion, the user will send a coiling torrent of liquid black ice, whose rotation results in the front of the blizzard to take on the appearance of a dragon's head, at their target. Aside being extremely cold, able to freeze nearby bodies of water, the blizzard sustains incredible ramming force. This technique requires an existing supply of water or ice in order to form.
Water Style: Hidden in Water Jutsu The user blends in with water to be undetected by the enemy, similar to the Earth Style: Hidden in Stones Jutsu. It was shown that this technique is usable even in water as shallow as a puddle, as seen when the Demon Brothers used it to ambush Tazuna and his bodyguards.
Wind Style: Faithful Wind Blade Using a blade like Kunai, Katana, sword, or anything with a blade sticking it is used as base and from the blade a giant 10 foot condense blade of wind formed, since it's made out of wind it is light as a feather and it is able to cut easily through hard dense materials also it is able to add another element to the mix to make it more destruction from it.
Ice Dome The user will stretch both arms forward, their palms open, and force water and wind to meld into a medium sized dome of durable ice around himself and his allies. The ice formed this way is extremely strong, and even constant barrage by explosive tags is proven useless. It should be noted that the user must hold both arms out in order to maintain the technique.