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Family Unnamed Parents Grusha(Big Brother)
Appearance Lucía haves slim pale skin, icy blue hair with a few red highlights witch is slightly different then Gusha's hair style. Her eyes are blue as well, with yellow shading below the pupils as she wears black glasses, she wears a pendent that's a fire stone and a Arcanine tooth with it. She seems to have a shiny Riolu with her or on her shoulder. Sometimes would be sitting on her back when he is resting on her back.
Lucía's school uniform is the same as the students. She wears a white shirt, a red necktie with a blue vest and brown paints (Violet version) or purple tie with a yellow vest, purple paints (Scarlet version) with the school's emblem on the front, purple or orange pants and brown boots.She also wears a velcro sling bag.
Since she's a pro snowboard like her big brother she would be wearing the snow gear she would need to stay warm. Lucía haves thermal cloths under her snowboard cloths to keep herself warm. She would have the strapped paints that will kept them up for her, she wears a heavy coat with a strap that covers face along with a scarf to cover half of her face as well and a hood with fur on it. She haves heavy duty gloves and boots with Velcro strap and two plastic straps to keep them on her feet. She also wears thick socks. Her snowboard would have snowflakes on it and the Ice Gym's logo on it showing she supports her brother Grusha. While snowboarding she seems to have wild Sneasels and Weaviles fallowing her since they seem to like her around the snowy mountain.
Personality Lucía is a very caring and friendly person you like to be friends with, but it can also make her a easy target for bullies to make fun of her. But there's something most people know and she don't like making close friend with Pokémon. After losing Arcanine in a young age from a house fire she didn't wanted to get to close to any Pokémon she meets, how much she does like to she just can't. After she heard about Arven's story and why he's after the herbs she wanted to help him to heal his Mabosstiff she wanted to make sure that he don't lose what's precious to him. The treasure she wanted is to be friend with Pokémon again and be with Arven.
Pokémon Mabosstiff
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Trivia •Lucía is a meaning of this name is derived from the Latin word for "light" and it was also the name of a saint. The name is derived from the male Latin name Lucius.