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Appearance Lena Have Lilac short hair With her Ultramarine eyes. She seems to be slander yet slight built due to always going to Alabaster Icelands and she don't seem bothered by the cold but she does get cold if staying to long. Unlike her clan she does keep all her Pokémon in her ball unless they choose to come out. Most of the time Azelf is seen to be out of the ball the longest and most. She seems to be wearing the same Survey Corp Uniform style but it haves a Diamond Clan on it and a yellow back behind there bag, also seem to be wearing a ninja black mask over her face. She haves the same red scarf around her neck like Rei does. She also wears black split toed boots. She also have a Gracidea Flower pin on her left side of her hair.
Personality Even though she gets sick easily due to her weak immune system it is said by Adaman that Lena is the sweetest, caring and most loyal person you will meet in the Diamond Clan. It shows that she's really skilled with taking care of pokemons and wild Pokémon. Lena is well known to have really good hurb and healing pokemons. Even though she haves a fear of heights she still wants to help everyone and any pokemon that are in danger. She does tend to put herself in danger and getting herself hit but she always puts other in front then herself. She always told people that she did want to be a waist of time with Adaman and be in his way so I'm a way she lives in the Alabaster Icelands inside of a small log cabin.
Pokémon Flareon
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