Family Unnamed Father(Assassin;✝️) Unnamed Mother(Assassin;✝️) Unnamed Older Brother(Assassin;✝️)
Love Interest Shay Patric Cormac
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Personally Kelly Erin can be a troublesome assassin rouge but she can be a helpful person, if your not part of her 'I want you dead' list that is. She can be a good tracker since she is a hunter and she will try her best to pinpoint where that person is at. She is also a very loyal woman who don't backstab people, she will keep quite and don't say names that she is loyal to so they don't be a killing target. If your in 'I want you dead' list she won't accoperate not talk to her, the old time she will talk is that if your making a mistake or planing something and she knows something is wrong then she will. To make her do the orders you say and talk, you first must gain her trust. She don't want pitty or apologies to anyone. But if you dishonest or say something that offends her family then she will give you a sharp punch to the jaw.
Appearance When she is out hunting she will normal citizen cloths with a bow and arrows, a small knife to skin the animal and defend herself from other attackers. At night time she wears a assassin's uniform, it's a long dark blue coat with the hood on it, gray shirt and black paints along with long black light boots for lighter footing and landing. She has a dagger in her left side and her sword at her right side. She has hiddenblades on both of her wrists too.
Biography Kelly Erin is born in New York City, like her family she is too an assassin. But when she was being training by her mother at the age of 16, she was called to back someone up. So she wanted Kelly to watch and hide, but then she died on field. She hated the Templars for killing her mother. It's been about 3 years since her mother's death, but then while she was with her brother and father the Templars yet again attacks them. The family fought bravely but her father noticed that the brotherhood was just standing there and watching them. When both her father and brother got killed Kelly saw the opening and runs off. Right now she is a wandering long wolf without a pack. She cases a lot of trouble witch got Grandmaster's and Captain Shay Patrick Cormac's attentions, they both have problems finding clues and getting Kelly. But one day some Radom groups kidnapped her as she was hunting animals and tries to use her as a slave but there ship was destroyed and she was floating on a piece of a floor with half of her body hanging in the water.
Equipment and Skills Peak-Human Condition Kelly May look skinny but she is well fit and full of energy, she can easily slip throw tight spaces due to her skinniness. But if she over works her body to much she can grow ill, her body isn't use to so many running or movement. She is sometimes seen to take a lot of brakes to catch her breath.
Eagle Vision She has a rare power that she can tell things by color and witch way they went. Red means they are enemies, blue means they are allies and yellow means that they are the target.
Athleticism When it comes to slipping away from trouble or from running away she is a descent one. She can climb quickly, her speed is descent if timed right, her hidding skills are great and she has a sharp eyes. But she does need to be careful of how much energy she uses, she can run low on speed and stamina so out running her will make her an easy target to capture.
Combat Skills Her combat skills are the second best thing she has, with hands she don't use a lot of energy and she can regain them if she has the time and times it right. When it comes to welding a sword or other sharp weapons she has to also careful how much energy she uses, she can block and counter-attack but she will have little time to rest. So you can keep fighting her till she get tired and slowly down.
Weaponry When it comes to swords she is decent with as long as she don't have to use a lot of her energy, it's still her first best skill though. When it comes to her hidden blades she can rest as long as she can while she is hidden and then take little energy to kill someone if there least expecting it. The number one weapon she is horrible at are guns.