Aliases Doc Doctor Shy Lex(Mostly everyone) Little Apple(Wally Only)
Affiliation The Neighborhood
Occupation Doctor
Biographical Information Age 22
Sexuality Genderfluid
Pronouns She/Her He/Him They/Them
Love Interest Wally Darling Note: This is as close as I can get for the OG Wally
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Physical Description
Species Rag Doll
Gender Female
Height 2'10"(86cm)
Appearance Alex haves this Rag Doll look, she haves a peach fleece skin that does look like human but due to being a doll like puppet it's made of fleece. They have purple fluffy hair that looks like curls. She seems to wear a white/clear star looking crystal around her neck at all times. They also seem to have a hint of punk on their cheeks as well, the more flustered or embarrassed they get the redder it shows.
Alex causal cloths is a horizontal stripped rainbow turtleneck sweater like most of the neighborhood would wear something raibow/colorful based. They also do wear a black overalls with long paints, they are wearing white socks and black shoes. She also wears a red headband tied on her right upper arm. Alex seems to be always wearing a crystal star pendant no matter what she wears.
For their work cloths she wears the same sweater and the shoes and the pendent, but she is wearing different cloths for this one. They wear gray paints instead, a white coat along with a stethoscope around their neck. They also seem to wear a mask as well.
Personality Alex is known to be a mute as she never talks or rarely talks, when she would talk it's really low and soft. So how she communicates she uses noises, facial expressions and/or body language. She does carry a notebook around to communicate as well.
She is known to be more of a distant person, but Wally is the only one who knows she does want to hang around with the other neighbors but she would get overwhelmed by how much people they are. She gets anxious, anxiety attacks and panic attacks easily when she start to hyperventilate.
She is also known to get jealous easily when everyone haves fun without her, Alex even don't really like Julie that much due to her and Wally being close and how she can easily make him smile while she still struggles to even talk.
But over all Alex is a deeply caring and thoughtful woman everyone would see as a mother. When someone get injured she would be the first to take care of them. She won't stop till she knows someone is all better.
Relationships Wally Darling •Alex and Wally are close as Alex wanted to know what he knows and wanted to try the things he does. She does like to paint with him or even relax and drink tea. Wally is known to be little protective with Alex due to her not being able to speak and verbal defend herself from anyone that hurts her.
Barnaby B. Beagle •When Alex needs information she would go to Barnaby and he would be happy and glad to tell her everything he knows and try to help her out the best he can.
Julie Joyful •Alex doesn't really like Julie that much, not only she's always happy and being around people but she and Wally always seem to have fun and that makes Alex felt so left out and unwanted. There are also times where Julie would go over Alex's boundaries and she don't even know how Alex would feel due to her not being able to talk.
Frank Frankly •Frank and Alex seems to get alone pretty well as not only they both like to read but Alex is also like to learn more about what he knows and wanted to try guarding. Even if she is slow she still enjoys to spend some time with someone who is in her pace and is patient with her.
Sally Scarlet •They don't really seen to be around one another but Alex does help Sally with anothing she does need with her plays and when some does get hurt or when Sally wanted to learn about safety Alex won't mind telling her what she knows.
Howdy Pillar •Both Howdy and Alex likes their company as she does help around the store sometimes and Alex also checks around to make sure nothing dangerous would happen or maybe even nothing bad happens.
Poppy Partridge •Alex likes to bake with Poppy and she don't mind showing her how to do it correctly and even shows her the safety way since she don't want Poppy to get hurt.
Eddie Dear •Even though Eddie is very talkative and that is little overwhelming to Alex she actually goes to him for how to express her emotions and she even told him a secret that she loves Wally so she goes to him for advice on how she can confess and learn about relationships.
Trivia •No one knows how Alex does this but when she fixes someone(as like she sowed a ripped part on a arm) and then wrap a ace bandages or put a bandaid on, in a few minutes it's gone like nothing happened.
•Alex haves other AU versions of her as well, some might be different than her.