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"Came to you with a broken faith
Gave me more than a hand to hold
Caught before I hit the ground
Tell me I'm safe, you've got mr now..."

Lily Collins as Emma Grace

"no matter where you are or whatever you're doing or whover you're with

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"no matter where you are or whatever you're doing or whover you're with... I will always, with all my strength, truly, completely... loves you."

Chris Evans as himself

"some day we will find what we are looking for

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"some day we will find what we are looking for... or maybe not. maybe we'll find something much greater than that."

Ashley Benson as Melanie

"if is not tragic if you lost someone but found yourself

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"if is not tragic if you lost someone but found yourself."

Obsession - Chris EvansOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora