Chapter 1

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"Oh God! Don't stop, don't stop!" 

"My name is Stefania, or did you forget that?" 

Danielle Savre pushed her head into the pillows as she felt her third orgasm of the night crash into her, hands gripping the white sheets, back arching high off of the mattress and breathless moans escaping her rosy lips. Stefania Spampinato paused the movements of her fingers but slowly dragged her tongue through the blonde's drenched folds, Danielle's hips jerking as she brushed over her sensitive clit. 

Stefania dipped her head back down as she started to slowly push her fingers in and out again, eliciting a quick gasp from Danielle who still hadn't come down from her high yet. 

"I can't take anymore," She whined as she managed to grab Stefania's wrist and halt her movements. 

"But I'm not done with you yet," Stefania replied as she lifted her head up and hungrily stared at the gorgeous blonde she had in her bed. It didn't happen often where Stefania would pick up a girl and bring her home, but the way that Danielle was eyeing her up from across the bar made it impossible for her to resist. That's not to say that she doesn't have the occasional hook up here and there, but they never usually end up back at her place. 

Clearly, Danielle was an exception. 


Danielle stood in front of a mirror as she smoothed out her shirt. Was this outfit good enough for her interview? She hoped so because if she wanted to get there with at least ten minutes to spare, she would have to leave now. She regretted not deciding on her attire before she went out with a couple of friends last night, but she also didn't expect to be screaming a strangers name, albeit a very hot strangers name, at three in the morning in a bed that most certainly wasn't hers. So much for a quick drink. The thought alone of what she got up to last night made her cheeks heat up and she had to stop herself from getting lost in the memory. 

It was proving to be a little difficult though because if Danielle were to undo just one button on her shirt, you would be able to see the marks Stefania had left behind and that just made her think of how those long, slender fingers felt inside of her as a very, very talented tongue stimulated her wherever Stefania licked and sucked and-

"Right. Where are my keys?" She shook her head as her focus moved back onto what she had going on right now. Job interview.

Danielle lived by herself in a small, one bedroom apartment. She used to live with her best friend, Jaina Lee Ortiz, but she got engaged and decided that it was best for her and her partner to move in together, which also meant that Danielle couldn't afford the rent of their two bedroom place by herself so had to downgrade just a tad. She definitely could appreciate her own space, but it was in times like these that she wished she had her best friend to tell her if she made the right choice by wearing the teal coloured shirt. 

The blue eyed woman applied a pale pink lip gloss and was headed straight out of the door, quickly making her way down the stairs and to the car park. Before Danielle started to drive, she gave herself a second to breathe. She knew that as soon as she got out of her car, it would be game time and her decision to not get coffee on the way, so that she wouldn't walk into her interview with coffee breath, was responsible yet difficult. Hence the need for a couple of breathing exercises. Danielle set up her GPS and then she was off, singing along to the radio as she drove. 

The job that she had secured an interview for and was hoping to obtain, was for the role of personal assistant to the COO of a major marketing company, Grey & 19. Though she wasn't entirely sure who the COO is, she knew about the reputation that this company has and she was always taught that to get into an industry, you usually have to start from the bottom and work your way up. What Danielle did find out about this company while she was researching, is that they are quite high profile. The reason she couldn't find out who the COO is, was because it wasn't listed on the website anywhere, nor was the current CEO. It was more information about how the company was founded many, many years ago and about some of the best projects they had done. It was all very impressive stuff.

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